pgbench — 進行 PostgreSQL 效能評估
...] [dbname
...] [dbname
pgbench 是一個簡易型 PostgreSQL 的效能評估工具。它可以重覆執行某一系列的 SQL 指令,也可能進行大量連線的模擬情境,然後計算其平均的交易完成率(TPS, Transaction Per Second)。預設上,pgbench 使用的是 TPC-B 的標準情境,它在 1 個資料交易中會進行 5 個階段的資料操作,包含 SELECT、UPDATE、INSERT 指令。然而,你也可以使用你的腳本,來測試你的情境。
pgbench 大致上的輸出如下:
前 6 行說明該測試中最主要的操作參數。再下一行則是回報交易完成的數量,以及應該執行的數量(由 client 的數量與每個 client 須執行的交易量乘積而得);這兩個數字應該要相等,如果每個交易都完成的話。(使用 -T 模式時,只會回報實際執行的交易數量)最後 2 行則以 TPS 回報,一行採計初始連線時間,另一行則沒有。
預設使用的 TPC-B 情境評估需要特定的資料庫結構,它們必須要在測試前先建立好。所以在測試之前,要先以「-i」參數執行初始化資料庫結構。(如果你使用自訂的情境測試,那就不需要進行這個步驟,但你可能需要另外自行建立你所需要的結構。)初始化指令如下:
dbname 必須是已經存在的資料庫。(也許你需要再加上 -h、-p、--U 等參數來設定資料庫的連線參數。)
pgbench -i 會建立 4 個表格:pgbench_accounts、pgbench_branches、pgbench_history、以及 pgbench_tellers。它會取代掉同名的表格。所以你如果和既有的資料庫共用的話,請注意同名的問題!
預設上,「scale factor」設定為 1,所產生的資料筆數如下:
通常會使用 -s 參數來增加測試資料的數量。選項 -F 也可能在這時候使用。
一旦你完成了這個初始化的動作之後,後續的測試就不需要加上 -i 了:
一般來說,你還會需要加上其他選項以進行更有意義的測試。最主要的測試選項為 -c (模擬用戶數量)、-t(資料交易數量)、-T(限時測試)、還有 -F(指定一個自訂的腳本)。完整選項如下。
pgbench 在資料庫初始化時可以使用下列選項:
-F fillfactor
建立 4 個表格:pgbench_accounts、pgbench_branches、pgbench_history、以及 pgbench_tellers。以預設的 fillfactor 填入資料,其預設值為 100。
切換為安靜模式,只會每 5 秒輸出執行階段訊息。預設的模式是每 10,000 筆資料就輸出訊息,通常每秒都有很多行訊息產生(特別是在一些比較好的硬體上執行時)。
-s scale_factor
資料的數量是以 scale factor 的倍數來計算的。舉例來說,-s 100 將會在表格 pgbench_accounts 中產生 10,000,000 筆資料。其預設為 1。當 scale 到達 20,000 以上時,欄位 aid 就會宣告為 bigint,以有足夠的數值空間來處理。
pgbench 在評估階段可使用下列選項:
-b scriptname[@weight]
這個選項用於指定要使用哪一個內建的評估情境。而在 @ 後面可以給一個整數,調整產生腳本的機率參數。如果未指定的話,就會設定為 1。目前內建的情境是:tpcb-like、simple-update、select-only。只要是明確內建名稱的前置縮寫(如:tpc、simple、select)都是可以接受的。而有一個特別的名稱是 list,使用這個名稱的話,就只是列出有哪些內建的情境。
-c clients
模擬用戶的數量,指的是同一時間連入資料庫的連線數。預設為 1。
-D varname=value
定義給自訂腳本使用的變數。你可以使用多個 -D 來定義多個變數。
-f filename[@weight]
從 filename 所指的檔案取得腳本,組成一個資料交易區段。選擇性的參數 @,後面接的整數,用來調整使用此腳本的機率。詳情後述。
-j threads
pgbench 執行緒的數量,能夠有效利用多 CPU 的運算能力。模擬用戶會盡可能平均分配在不同執行緒中執行。預設值為 1。
-L limit
交易執行時間超過 limit 以上時,將會被特別計算回報。其單位是 millisecond(千分之一秒)。
-M querymode
: 簡單查詢協定。
: 延伸查詢協定。
: 延伸查詢協定,並使用預備宣告(prepared statement)方式。
預設是使用簡單查詢協定。(有關查詢協定,請參閱第 52 章)
使用內建的 simple-update 腳本,和 -b simple-update 是一樣的。
-P sec
設定每 sec 秒回報一次進度。這個進度回報包含了執行累計時間,目前的 TPS 情況,還有每個進度階段的交易延遲時間平均值與標準差。如果使用 -R 的話,那麼延遲時間是相對於排定的啓動時間,而不是實際開始執行的時間,也就是說,它包含了平均的延遲時間。
-R rate
執行的方式改為頻率而不是盡可能快速執行(預設)。執行頻率以 TPS 來指定。如果目標執行頻率高於最大可能的執行頻率的話,那就沒有意義。
如果 --latency-limit 和 --rate 兩個選項一起使用的話,交易可能會落後很多,當前一個交易結束時就已經超時了,因為超時是以排程的開始時間計算的。像這樣的交易就不會被執行了,它會被跳過,然後被統計出來。
-s scale_factor
回報資料庫初始化的 scale factor。對於內建的測試而言,這個選項並不需要;其正確的 scale factor 將會自動以資料表 pgbench_branches 的資料筆數計算而得。而如果測試使用的是自訂的情境腳步的話(選項 -f),那會回報 1。
執行內建 select-only 的情境腳步,等同於 -b select-only。
-t transactions
每一個模擬用戶端要執行的交易數量,預設為 10。
-T seconds
執行限時測試(以秒為單位),而不是固定的交易數量。-t 和 -T 是互斥的選項。
在執行測試之前,先整理四個標準的資料表。如果沒有 -n 或 -v 的話,pgbench 會整理 pgbench_tellers 和 pgbench_branches,然後清空 pgbench_history。
彙整資訊的間隔時間(以秒為單位),通常只和 -l 選項一起使用。這個選項的執行記錄,將會包含每個間隔時間如上所述的彙整資料。
設定 --log 所建立檔案的檔名前置名稱。預設是 pgbench_log。
當顯示進度(選項 -P)時,使用時間戳記(Unix epoch)取代相對的執行時間。其單位是秒,精確度至千分之一秒。這個選項用於在多種操作工具間比較時間。
取樣率,用於寫入資料到記錄檔時,可以減少記錄的輸出量。如果使用這個選項的話,只有指定比率的記錄會被輸出。如果是 1.0 的話,表示所有記錄都要輸出;而 0.05 的話,表示只輸出 5% 的記錄。
記得取樣率指的是輸出到記錄檔的比率,舉例來說,當計算 TPS 數值時,你會需要多個樣本數來彙整(使用 0.01 的取樣率時,你就只會得到原來百分之一個 TPS 數值輸出)。
以下是 pgbench 所支援的通用選項:
-h hostname
-p port
-U login
輸出 pgbench 的版本資訊,然後就結束程式。
顯示 pgbench 的命令列操作資訊,然後結束程式。
pgbench 會隨機選取在某個列表中的腳本來執行,包含了使用 -b 的內建腳本及 -f 的自訂腳本。每一個腳本都可以使用 @ 來指定其被選取的機率。預設為 1,而設為 0 的話就會被忽略。
預設內建的交易腳本(也就是 -b tpcb-like),使用了七個指令,並且自動隨機代入不同變數:aid、tid、bid、和 balance。這個情境來自於 TPC-B 標準,但不完全符合 TPC-B,所以取名為 tpcb-like。
UPDATE pgbench_accounts SET abalance = abalance + :delta WHERE aid = :aid;
SELECT abalance FROM pgbench_accounts WHERE aid = :aid;
UPDATE pgbench_tellers SET tbalance = tbalance + :delta WHERE tid = :tid;
UPDATE pgbench_branches SET bbalance = bbalance + :delta WHERE bid = :bid;
INSERT INTO pgbench_history (tid, bid, aid, delta, mtime) VALUES (:tid, :bid, :aid, :delta, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
如果你選擇了 simple-update(也是 -N),那麼就不包含步驟 4 和 5。它會避免在這些資料表更新資料的競爭行為,但會接近 TPC-B 一些。
如果你使用了 select-only(也是 -S),就會只有 SELECT 的部份被執行。
pgbench 支援使用自訂的情境腳步取代內建的測試腳本(如上所述),透過選項 -f 從檔案取得。這種情況的話,一個交易指的就是一個腳本檔案執行一次。
腳本檔案包含一個或多個 SQL 指令,以分號分隔結尾。空白行和以 -- 開頭的行都會被忽略。腳本檔案也可以包含「中繼指令(meta commands)」,用於 pgbench 執行測試時的參考指令,詳述於後。
在 PostgreSQL 9.6 之前,腳本檔案裡的 SQL 指令是以換行結尾的,也就是不能跨行。現在使用分號是必要的了,在分隔連續的 SQL 指令時,你得加上分號(但如果這個 SQL 指令是由中繼指令所執行的話,就不需要分號)。如果你需要建立一份相容性的腳本檔案的話,請確認你的每一條 SQL 指令都是單行,並且以分號結尾。
腳本檔案可以進行簡易的變數代換動作。變數可以由命令列的 -D 來設定,或使用下面所介紹的中繼指令。進一步來說,任何變數都可以使用 -D 選項來預先設定,而在 Table 240 的變數則會自動產生。一旦設定好之後,變數內容就可以使用 :variablename 的形式放入 SQL 指令之中。而每一個模擬用戶的連線中,他們都擁有他們自己的變數內容。
Table 240. Automatic Variables
目前的 scale factor
\set varname expression
以 expression 表示式來計算 varname 數變的內容。表示式也可能包含整數常數,像 5432;或雙精確度浮點數 3.14159;或引用其他變數計算而得的表示式,可以使用的函數如後所述。
\sleep number
[ us | ms | s ]
使腳本執行暫停一段指定的時間,百萬分之一秒(us)、千分之一秒(ms)、或秒(s)。如果省略單位的話,預設是秒。nubmer 可以是整數常數,或引用其他整數變數的內容。
\setshell varname command
... ]
設定 varname 的內容是執行另一個命令列指令的結果。該命令列指令必須透過標準輸出回傳整數。
command 和每一個 argument 都可以是文字常數或使用 :variablename 引用其他變數內容。如果你要使用 argument 的話,以冒號開始,而第一個 argument 要再多一個冒號。
\shell command
... ]
和 \setshell 一樣,只是不處理回傳值。
Table 241 是 pgbench 內建,可以在 \set 的函數。
Table 241. pgbench Functions
Return Type
same asa
absolute value
same asa
_tostderr, and returna
cast to double
] )
double if any_a
_is double, else integer
largest value among arguments
greatest(5, 4, 3, 2)
cast to int
int(5.4 + 3.8)
] )
double if any_a
_is double, else integer
smallest value among arguments
least(5, 4, 3, 2.1)
value of the constant PI
uniformly-distributed random integer in[lb, ub]
random(1, 10)
an integer between1
exponentially-distributed random integer in[lb, ub]
, see below
random_exponential(1, 10, 3.0)
an integer between1
Gaussian-distributed random integer in[lb, ub]
, see below
random_gaussian(1, 10, 2.5)
an integer between1
square root
random 函數使用的是均勻分配亂數,也就是在指定範圍內的數值,都有相等的產生機率。random_exponential 和 random_gaussian 則需要額外的參數,來指定精確的分配情況。
指數分配,參數控制其分配情況是透過分段一個快速下降的指數分配,投影在指定範圍間的整數而得。精確來說,以下面的式子計算而得: f(x) = exp(-parameter * (x - min) / (max - min + 1)) / (1 - exp(-parameter)) 區間中某個 i 值的機率為 f(i) - f(i + 1)。 直覺上,越大的輸入參數,就會越多較小的數值被輸出,而較少的大數值產生。如果參數接近 0 的話,就會很接近均勻分配。一個粗略的概念是,機率最高的 1%,落於靠近最小值的一端,機率大概是百分之(parameter)。此參數必須要是正整數。
高斯分配,指定區間會映射到一個標準常態分配的空間(典型的錐型高斯曲線),分佈於 -parameter 及 +parameter 之間。靠中間的值有更高的選取機率。精確來說,如果 PHI(x) 是該常態分配的累計分配函數的話,那麼平均數 mu 就是 (max + min) / 2.0,則: f(x) = PHI(2.0 * parameter * (x - mu) / (max - min + 1)) / (2.0 * PHI(parameter) - 1) 在區間中,數值 i 被選取的機率就是:f(i + 0.5) - f(i - 0.5)。直覺上,parameter 越大,就會有越多中間值被選值,而越小的話,兩側數側被選擇的機率就會增加。約有 67% 的結果會在靠近 1.0 / parameter 中間的值,相對於 0.5 / parameter 近乎在平均值的附近;2.0 / parameter 則是 95% 是靠近中間的值,相對於 1.0 / parameter 近乎在平均值的附近。舉例來說,如果 parameter = 4.0,大概有 67% 的值會來自於中間的四分之一(即 3.0 / 8.0 到 5.0 / 8.0),而 95% 來自於中間的一半(2.0 / 4.0),第二和第三的四分位數之間。以 Box-Muller 轉換的效率來說,parameter 最小值為 2.0。
下面是內建的 TPC-B like 交易的例子:
使用選項 -l(但沒有選項 --aggregate-interval)時,pgbench 將會把每一筆交易都寫入記錄檔。記錄檔的檔名會是 prefix.nnn 的形式,其中的 prefix 預設是 pgbench_log,而 nnn 則是該 pgbench 程序的 PID。prefix 可以由選項 --log-prefix 來指定。如果選項 -j 是 2 以上時,也就是同時有多個執行緒在進行交易,那麼他們會被分別寫入不同的檔案,第一個執行緒會使用前述標準單一執行緒的檔名,而其他的執行緒將會命名為 prefix.nnn.mmm,其中 mmm 則由各執行緒依序編號而得,編號從 1 開始。
其中 client_id 指的是哪一個用戶的連線代號,transaction_no 計算有多交易在該連線中被執行了,time 是整個交易的持續時間,單位是亳秒,script_no 指出是使用哪一個腳本(當透過 -f 或 -b 使用多個腳本時會很有用),而 time_epoch/timeus 是 Unix-epoch 格式的時間戳記,記錄該交易的完成時間,單位是亳秒(適當地建立一個 ISO 8601 時間戳記再加上小數)。schedule_lag 欄位是交易排程時間的差值,以及實際開始的時間,單位是亳秒,只有在 --rate 使用時才會出現。當 --rate 和 --latecy-limit 一起使用時,time 欄位在被跳過的交易上,會註明 skipped。
另一個例子,使用 --rate=100 及 --latency-limit=5(注意額外的 schedule_lag 欄位):
在這個例子中,82 號交易誤點了,因為它延遲了 6.173 ms,超過限時的 5 ms。接下來的兩個交易就被跳過了,因為他們在開始前就已經超時了。
當某個主機執行長時間的交易時,記錄檔案可能會變得非常大。選項 --sampling-rate 就可以派上用場,只存下部份的交易樣本。
使用 --aggregate-interval 選項時,會是另一種記錄檔格式:
其中 interval_start 是區間的起始時間(Unix epoch 時間戳記),num_transactions 是區間裡交易的總數,sum_latency 是區間裡交易的延遲量,sum_latency_2 則是交易延遲的平方和,min_latency 是區間中最短延遲,而 max_latency 則是區間中的最長延遲。接下來的欄位,sum_lag、sum_lag_2、min_lag、max_lag,只有在指定 --rate 選項時才會出現。它們提供了每一個交易等待前一個交易結束時間的統計,也就是每一個交易的排程時間和實際執行時間的差異。而最後一個欄位 skipped,只會出現在也用了 --latency-limit 選項時,它計算交易被跳過的數目,因為他們太晚啓動了。每一個交易在區間中的都會被計算,當該交易被提交時。
使用選項 -r 時,pgbench 就會收集每一個模擬用戶的每一個交易中的每一個指令的耗時,它會以平均值回報,放在最後報告中的每一個指令前。
注意收集每一個指令的執行時間也需要計算,會增加些許的負載。這個選項會降低一些平均執行速度和 TPS。具體上會有多少影響則視平台及硬體而定。可以比較切換此選項的 TPS 來瞭解額外負載的情況。
使用 pgbench 產生許多無用數字是很簡單的事。這裡提供一些作法,幫助你得到一些有用的結果。
首先,不要相信任何在數秒內就能得到的結果。善用 -t 或 -T 使測試至少能執行好幾分鐘,用平均的方式降低誤差。在某個情境你可能需要幾個小時使得結果數字是可重現的。至少嘗試執行時間數分鐘以上是好主意,可以瞭解你的結果是否具重見性。
對於預設的 TPC-B like 測試情境,scale factor (-s)應該要是一個足夠大的數,超過最大的用戶數(-c),否則你會遭遇更新競爭的情況。因為每個交易都需要更新 pgbench_branches,所以如果 -c 大於 -s 時,將無可避免有些交易會被其他交易暫時阻擋。
pgbench 的其中一項限制就是它自己也可能是瓶頸,在產生大量模擬用戶時。可以採用在多台主機使用多個 pgbench 來解決這個問題,雖然這樣也會帶來一些網路延遲。不過這樣就可以同時執行許多的 pgbench,在多個主機上,對同一個資料庫進行測試。
his part contains reference information forPostgreSQLclient applications and utilities. Not all of these commands are of general utility; some might require special privileges. The common feature of these applications is that they can be run on any host, independent of where the database server resides.
When specified on the command line, user and database names have their case preserved — the presence of spaces or special characters might require quoting. Table names and other identifiers do not have their case preserved, except where documented, and might require quoting.
dropdb — remove aPostgreSQLdatabase
...] [option
dropdbdestroys an existingPostgreSQLdatabase. The user who executes this command must be a database superuser or the owner of the database.
dropdbis a wrapper around theSQLcommandDROP DATABASE. There is no effective difference between dropping databases via this utility and via other methods for accessing the server.
dropdbaccepts the following command-line arguments:
Specifies the name of the database to be removed.
Echo the commands thatdropdbgenerates and sends to the server.
Issues a verification prompt before doing anything destructive.
Print thedropdbversion and exit.
Do not throw an error if the database does not exist. A notice is issued in this case.
Show help aboutdropdbcommand line arguments, and exit.
dropdbalso accepts the following command-line arguments for connection parameters:
Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running. If the value begins with a slash, it is used as the directory for the Unix domain socket.
Specifies the TCP port or local Unix domain socket file extension on which the server is listening for connections.
User name to connect as.
Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means such as a.pgpass
file, the connection attempt will fail. This option can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to enter a password.
Forcedropdbto prompt for a password before connecting to a database.
This option is never essential, sincedropdbwill automatically prompt for a password if the server demands password authentication. However,dropdbwill waste a connection attempt finding out that the server wants a password. In some cases it is worth typing-W
to avoid the extra connection attempt.
Specifies the name of the database to connect to in order to drop the target database. If not specified, thepostgres
database will be used; if that does not exist (or is the database being dropped),template1
will be used.
Default connection parameters
This utility, like most otherPostgreSQLutilities, also uses the environment variables supported bylibpq(seeSection 33.14).
In case of difficulty, seeDROP DATABASEandpsqlfor discussions of potential problems and error messages. The database server must be running at the targeted host. Also, any default connection settings and environment variables used by thelibpqfront-end library will apply.
To destroy the databasedemo
on the default database server:
To destroy the databasedemo
using the server on hosteden
, port 5000, with verification and a peek at the underlying command:
createuser — 定義一個新的 PostgreSQL 使用者帳戶
...] [option
...] [username
createuser 建立一個新的 PostgreSQL 使用者(或更確切地說,一個角色)。只有具有 CREATEROLE 權限使用者或超級使用者才能建立新的使用者,因此必須由可以作為超級用戶或具有 CREATEROLE 權限的使用者進行連線使用 createuser。
如果要建立新的超級使用者,則必須以超級使用者身份進行連線,而不僅僅是擁有 CREATEROLE 權限。作為超級使用者意味著能夠繞過資料庫中的所有存取權限檢查,因此不應輕易授予超級使用者權限。
createuser 是 SQL 指令 CREATE ROLE 封裝的工具。透過此實用工具建立使用者和透過其他方法存取伺服器之間沒有任何區別。
createuser 接受以下命令列選項:
指定要建立的 PostgreSQL 使用者名稱。此名稱必須與此 PostgreSQL 服務中的所有現有角色不同。
顯示 createuser 産生並發送到伺服器的指令。
表示此角色將作為新成員立即添加到的角色。可以透過加上多個 -g 來指定將此角色添加為成員的多個角色。
如果在命令列中未指定使用者名稱,則提示輸入使用者名稱,並且還會提示在命令列中未指定 -d/-D,-r/-R,-s/-S 中的任何選項。(這是 PostgreSQL 9.1 的預設行為。)
如果有此選項,createuser 將發出新使用者密碼的提示。如果您不打算使用密碼身份驗證,則毌須執行此操作。
將允許新使用者建立新角色(即,此使用者將具有 CREATEROLE 權限)。
輸出 createuser 版本然後退出。
新使用者將具有 REPLICATION 權限,在 CREATE ROLE 的頁面中對此進行了更全面的描述。
新使用者將不會有 REPLICATION 權限,這在 CREATE ROLE 的頁面中有更全面的描述。
顯示有關 createuser 命令列選項的協助資訊,然後退出。
createuser 還接受以下連線參數的命令列選項:
指定運行伺服器的主機名稱。如果以斜槓開頭,則將其用作 Unix domain socke 的目錄。
指定伺服器正在監聽連線的 TCP 連接埠或本地 Unix domain socket 檔案延伸名稱。
不要發出密碼提示。如果伺服器需要密碼身份驗證,並且其他方式(例如 .pgpass 檔案)也無法使用密碼,則連線嘗試將會失敗。此選項在沒有使用者輸入密碼的批處理作業和腳本中非常有用。
強制 createuser 提示輸入密碼(用於連線伺服器,而不是新使用者的密碼)。
此選項都不是必須的,因為如果伺服器需要密碼身份驗證,createuser 將自動提示輸入密碼。只是,createuser 會浪費連線嘗試,為了發現伺服器需要密碼。在某些情況下,值得輸入 -W 以避免額外的連線嘗試。
與大多數其他 PostgreSQL 工具程式一樣,此工具也使用 libpq 支援的環境變數(請參閱第 33.14 節)。
如果遇到困難,請參閱 CREATE ROLE 和 psql 以討論潛在問題和錯誤訊息。資料庫伺服器必須在目標主機上運行。此外,將套用 libpq 前端函式庫使用的任何預鉆水連線設定和環境變數。
要在預設的資料庫伺服器上建立使用者 joe:
要在預設的資料庫伺服器上建立使用者 joe,並提示輸入一些其他的屬性:
要使用主機 eden 上的伺服器(連接埠 5000)建立相同的使用者 joe,並明確指定屬性,屬性請查看基礎指令:
要以超級使用者身份建立使用者 joe,並立即指定密碼:
dropuser — 移除 PostgreSQL 使用者帳戶
...] [option
...] [username
dropuser 移除現有的 PostgreSQL 使用者。只有具有 CREATEROLE 權限的超級使用者或一般使用者才能移除 PostgreSQL 使用者。(但要移除超級使用者,您還必須自己是超級使用者。)
dropuser 是 SQL 指令 DROP ROLE 的一個封裝。透過此實用工具和透過存取伺服器的其他方法移除使用者,之間沒有區別。
dropuser 接受以下的命令列參數:
指定要移除的 PostgreSQL 使用者的名稱。如果在命令列中沒有指定名稱,則會提示您輸入名稱,如同使用 -i / -interactive。
顯示 dropuser 發送到伺服器的指令。
輸出 dropuser 版本然後退出。
如果使用者不存在,請不要拋出錯誤。在這種情況下發布 NOTICE。
顯示有關 dropuser 命令列參數的說明,然後退出。
dropuser 還接受連線有關的以下命令列參數:
指定運行伺服器的主機名。如果以斜線開頭,則將其視為 Unix domain socket 的目錄。
指定伺服器正在監聽連線的 TCP 連接埠或本地 Unix domain socket 檔案延伸名稱。
避免發出密碼提示。如果伺服器需要密碼驗證,請透過其他方式(如 .pgpass 檔案),無法使用密碼的話,則連線嘗試將會失敗。此選項可用於沒有使用者輸入密碼的批次處理作業和腳本。
強制 dropuser 在連線到資料庫之前提示輸入密碼。
此選項從來不是必須的,因為如果伺服器需要密碼認證,dropuser 將自動提示輸入密碼。然而,dropuser 會浪費連線嘗試發現伺服器想要密碼。在某些情況下,值得輸入 -W 以避免額外的連線嘗試。
與其他大多數 PostgreSQL 實用工具一樣,此工具也使用 libpq 支援的環境變數(請參閱第 33.14 節)。
如果遇到困難,請參閱 DROP ROLE 和 psql,以便討論潛在問題和錯誤訊息。資料庫伺服器必須在目標主機上運行。此外,libpq 前端函式庫使用的任何預設連線設定和環境變數都將適用。
要從預設資料庫伺服器中移除使用者 joe:
使用主機 eden 的連接埠 5000 上的服務移除使用者 joe,驗證並查看基礎指令:
createdb — create a newPostgreSQLdatabase
...] [option
...] [dbname
createdbcreates a newPostgreSQLdatabase.
Normally, the database user who executes this command becomes the owner of the new database. However, a different owner can be specified via the-O
option, if the executing user has appropriate privileges.
createdbis a wrapper around theSQLcommandCREATE DATABASE. There is no effective difference between creating databases via this utility and via other methods for accessing the server.
createdbaccepts the following command-line arguments:
Specifies the name of the database to be created. The name must be unique among allPostgreSQLdatabases in this cluster. The default is to create a database with the same name as the current system user.
Specifies a comment to be associated with the newly created database.
Specifies the default tablespace for the database. (This name is processed as a double-quoted identifier.)
Echo the commands thatcreatedbgenerates and sends to the server.
Specifies the character encoding scheme to be used in this database. The character sets supported by thePostgreSQLserver are described inSection 23.3.1.
Specifies the locale to be used in this database. This is equivalent to specifying both--lc-collate
Specifies the LC_COLLATE setting to be used in this database.
Specifies the LC_CTYPE setting to be used in this database.
Specifies the database user who will own the new database. (This name is processed as a double-quoted identifier.)
Specifies the template database from which to build this database. (This name is processed as a double-quoted identifier.)
Print thecreatedbversion and exit.
Show help aboutcreatedbcommand line arguments, and exit.
The options-D
, and-T
correspond to options of the underlying SQL commandCREATE DATABASE; see there for more information about them.
createdbalso accepts the following command-line arguments for connection parameters:
Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running. If the value begins with a slash, it is used as the directory for the Unix domain socket.
Specifies the TCP port or the local Unix domain socket file extension on which the server is listening for connections.
User name to connect as.
Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means such as a.pgpass
file, the connection attempt will fail. This option can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to enter a password.
Forcecreatedbto prompt for a password before connecting to a database.
This option is never essential, sincecreatedbwill automatically prompt for a password if the server demands password authentication. However,createdbwill waste a connection attempt finding out that the server wants a password. In some cases it is worth typing-W
to avoid the extra connection attempt.
Specifies the name of the database to connect to when creating the new database. If not specified, thepostgres
database will be used; if that does not exist (or if it is the name of the new database being created),template1
will be used.
If set, the name of the database to create, unless overridden on the command line.
Default connection parameters.PGUSER
also determines the name of the database to create, if it is not specified on the command line or byPGDATABASE
This utility, like most otherPostgreSQLutilities, also uses the environment variables supported bylibpq(seeSection 33.14).
In case of difficulty, seeCREATE DATABASEandpsqlfor discussions of potential problems and error messages. The database server must be running at the targeted host. Also, any default connection settings and environment variables used by thelibpqfront-end library will apply.
To create the databasedemo
using the default database server:
To create the databasedemo
using the server on hosteden
, port 5000, using thetemplate0
template database, here is the command-line command and the underlying SQL command:
psql — PostgreSQL 互動式終端介面
...] [dbname
psql 是 PostgreSQL 的終端機介面的前端工具。它讓您能夠以互動式輸入查詢指令,將它們發送到 PostgreSQL,並查看查詢結果。還有,輸入可以來自檔案或命令列參數。此外,psql 提供了許多自有指令以及各種類似 shell 的功能,以便於撰寫腳本以自動執行各種任務。
Print all nonempty input lines to standard output as they are read. (This does not apply to lines read interactively.) This is equivalent to setting the variable ECHO
to all
Switches to unaligned output mode. (The default output mode is otherwise aligned.) This is equivalent to \pset format unaligned
Print failed SQL commands to standard error output. This is equivalent to setting the variable ECHO
to errors
Specifies that psql is to execute the given command string, command
. This option can be repeated and combined in any order with the -f
option. When either -c
or -f
is specified, psql does not read commands from standard input; instead it terminates after processing all the -c
and -f
options in sequence.
must be either a command string that is completely parsable by the server (i.e., it contains no psql-specific features), or a single backslash command. Thus you cannot mix SQL and psqlmeta-commands within a -c
option. To achieve that, you could use repeated -c
options or pipe the string into psql, for example:
is the separator meta-command.)
Because of this behavior, putting more than one SQL command in a single -c
string often has unexpected results. It's better to use repeated -c
commands or feed multiple commands to psql's standard input, either using echo as illustrated above, or via a shell here-document, for example:
Specifies the name of the database to connect to. This is equivalent to specifying dbname
as the first non-option argument on the command line.
Copy all SQL commands sent to the server to standard output as well. This is equivalent to setting the variable ECHO
to queries
Echo the actual queries generated by \d
and other backslash commands. You can use this to study psql's internal operations. This is equivalent to setting the variable ECHO_HIDDEN
to on
Read commands from the file filename
, rather than standard input. This option can be repeated and combined in any order with the -c
option. When either -c
or -f
is specified, psql does not read commands from standard input; instead it terminates after processing all the -c
and -f
options in sequence. Except for that, this option is largely equivalent to the meta-command \i
If filename
is -
(hyphen), then standard input is read until an EOF indication or \q
meta-command. This can be used to intersperse interactive input with input from files. Note however that Readline is not used in this case (much as if -n
had been specified).
Using this option is subtly different from writing psql <
. In general, both will do what you expect, but using -f
enables some nice features such as error messages with line numbers. There is also a slight chance that using this option will reduce the start-up overhead. On the other hand, the variant using the shell's input redirection is (in theory) guaranteed to yield exactly the same output you would have received had you entered everything by hand.
Use separator
as the field separator for unaligned output. This is equivalent to \pset fieldsep
or \f
Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running. If the value begins with a slash, it is used as the directory for the Unix-domain socket.
Turn on HTML tabular output. This is equivalent to \pset format html
or the \H
List all available databases, then exit. Other non-connection options are ignored. This is similar to the meta-command \list
When this option is used, psql will connect to the database postgres
, unless a different database is named on the command line (option -d
or non-option argument, possibly via a service entry, but not via an environment variable).
Write all query output into file filename
, in addition to the normal output destination.
Do not use Readline for line editing and do not use the command history. This can be useful to turn off tab expansion when cutting and pasting.
Put all query output into file filename
. This is equivalent to the command \o
Specifies the TCP port or the local Unix-domain socket file extension on which the server is listening for connections. Defaults to the value of the PGPORT
environment variable or, if not set, to the port specified at compile time, usually 5432.
Specifies printing options, in the style of \pset
. Note that here you have to separate name and value with an equal sign instead of a space. For example, to set the output format to LaTeX, you could write -P format=latex
Specifies that psql should do its work quietly. By default, it prints welcome messages and various informational output. If this option is used, none of this happens. This is useful with the -c
option. This is equivalent to setting the variable QUIET
to on
Use separator
as the record separator for unaligned output. This is equivalent to \pset recordsep
Run in single-step mode. That means the user is prompted before each command is sent to the server, with the option to cancel execution as well. Use this to debug scripts.
Runs in single-line mode where a newline terminates an SQL command, as a semicolon does.
This mode is provided for those who insist on it, but you are not necessarily encouraged to use it. In particular, if you mix SQL and meta-commands on a line the order of execution might not always be clear to the inexperienced user.
Turn off printing of column names and result row count footers, etc. This is equivalent to \t
or \pset tuples_only
Specifies options to be placed within the HTML table
tag. See \pset tableattr
for details.
Connect to the database as the user username
instead of the default. (You must have permission to do so, of course.)
Perform a variable assignment, like the \set
meta-command. Note that you must separate name and value, if any, by an equal sign on the command line. To unset a variable, leave off the equal sign. To set a variable with an empty value, use the equal sign but leave off the value. These assignments are done during command line processing, so variables that reflect connection state will get overwritten later.
Print the psql version and exit.
Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means such as a .pgpass
file, the connection attempt will fail. This option can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to enter a password.
Note that this option will remain set for the entire session, and so it affects uses of the meta-command \connect
as well as the initial connection attempt.
Force psql to prompt for a password before connecting to a database.
This option is never essential, since psql will automatically prompt for a password if the server demands password authentication. However, psql will waste a connection attempt finding out that the server wants a password. In some cases it is worth typing -W
to avoid the extra connection attempt.
Note that this option will remain set for the entire session, and so it affects uses of the meta-command \connect
as well as the initial connection attempt.
Turn on the expanded table formatting mode. This is equivalent to \x
or \pset expanded
Do not read the start-up file (neither the system-wide psqlrc
file nor the user's ~/.psqlrc
Set the field separator for unaligned output to a zero byte. This is equivalent to \pset fieldsep_zero
Set the record separator for unaligned output to a zero byte. This is useful for interfacing, for example, with xargs -0
. This is equivalent to \pset recordsep_zero
This option can only be used in combination with one or more -c
and/or -f
options. It causes psql to issue a BEGIN
command before the first such option and a COMMIT
command after the last one, thereby wrapping all the commands into a single transaction. This ensures that either all the commands complete successfully, or no changes are applied.
If the commands themselves contain BEGIN
, this option will not have the desired effects. Also, if an individual command cannot be executed inside a transaction block, specifying this option will cause the whole transaction to fail.
Show help about psql and exit. The optional topic
parameter (defaulting to options
) selects which part of psql is explained: commands
describes psql's backslash commands; options
describes the command-line options that can be passed to psql; and variables
shows help about psql configuration variables.
psql returns 0 to the shell if it finished normally, 1 if a fatal error of its own occurs (e.g. out of memory, file not found), 2 if the connection to the server went bad and the session was not interactive, and 3 if an error occurred in a script and the variable ON_ERROR_STOP
was set.
psql is a regular PostgreSQL client application. In order to connect to a database you need to know the name of your target database, the host name and port number of the server, and what user name you want to connect as. psql can be told about those parameters via command line options, namely -d
, -h
, -p
, and -U
respectively. If an argument is found that does not belong to any option it will be interpreted as the database name (or the user name, if the database name is already given). Not all of these options are required; there are useful defaults. If you omit the host name, psql will connect via a Unix-domain socket to a server on the local host, or via TCP/IP to localhost
on machines that don't have Unix-domain sockets. The default port number is determined at compile time. Since the database server uses the same default, you will not have to specify the port in most cases. The default user name is your operating-system user name, as is the default database name. Note that you cannot just connect to any database under any user name. Your database administrator should have informed you about your access rights.
An alternative way to specify connection parameters is in a conninfo
string or a URI, which is used instead of a database name. This mechanism give you very wide control over the connection. For example:
If the connection could not be made for any reason (e.g., insufficient privileges, server is not running on the targeted host, etc.), psql will return an error and terminate.
If both standard input and standard output are a terminal, then psql sets the client encoding to “auto”, which will detect the appropriate client encoding from the locale settings (LC_CTYPE
environment variable on Unix systems). If this doesn't work out as expected, the client encoding can be overridden using the environment variable PGCLIENTENCODING
In normal operation, psql provides a prompt with the name of the database to which psql is currently connected, followed by the string =>
. For example:
At the prompt, the user can type in SQL commands. Ordinarily, input lines are sent to the server when a command-terminating semicolon is reached. An end of line does not terminate a command. Thus commands can be spread over several lines for clarity. If the command was sent and executed without error, the results of the command are displayed on the screen.
While C-style block comments are passed to the server for processing and removal, SQL-standard comments are removed by psql.
Anything you enter in psql that begins with an unquoted backslash is a psql meta-command that is processed by psql itself. These commands make psql more useful for administration or scripting. Meta-commands are often called slash or backslash commands.
The format of a psql command is the backslash, followed immediately by a command verb, then any arguments. The arguments are separated from the command verb and each other by any number of whitespace characters.
To include whitespace in an argument you can quote it with single quotes. To include a single quote in an argument, write two single quotes within single-quoted text. Anything contained in single quotes is furthermore subject to C-like substitutions for \n
(new line), \t
(tab), \b
(backspace), \r
(carriage return), \f
(form feed), \
(octal), and \x
(hexadecimal). A backslash preceding any other character within single-quoted text quotes that single character, whatever it is.
Within an argument, text that is enclosed in backquotes (````\) is taken as a command line that is passed to the shell. The output of the command \(with any trailing newline removed\) replaces the backquoted text. Within the text enclosed in backquotes, no special quoting or other processing occurs, except that appearances of
variablename` where variable_name
is a psql variable name are replaced by the variable's value. Also, appearances of :'
' are replaced by the variable's value suitably quoted to become a single shell command argument. (The latter form is almost always preferable, unless you are very sure of what is in the variable.) Because carriage return and line feed characters cannot be safely quoted on all platforms, the :'
' form prints an error message and does not substitute the variable value when such characters appear in the value.
Some commands take an SQL identifier (such as a table name) as argument. These arguments follow the syntax rules of SQL: Unquoted letters are forced to lowercase, while double quotes ("
) protect letters from case conversion and allow incorporation of whitespace into the identifier. Within double quotes, paired double quotes reduce to a single double quote in the resulting name. For example, FOO"BAR"BAZ
is interpreted as fooBARbaz
, and "A weird"" name"
becomes A weird" name
Parsing for arguments stops at the end of the line, or when another unquoted backslash is found. An unquoted backslash is taken as the beginning of a new meta-command. The special sequence \\
(two backslashes) marks the end of arguments and continues parsing SQL commands, if any. That way SQL and psql commands can be freely mixed on a line. But in any case, the arguments of a meta-command cannot continue beyond the end of the line.
Many of the meta-commands act on the current query buffer. This is simply a buffer holding whatever SQL command text has been typed but not yet sent to the server for execution. This will include previous input lines as well as any text appearing before the meta-command on the same line.
The following meta-commands are defined:\a
If the current table output format is unaligned, it is switched to aligned. If it is not unaligned, it is set to unaligned. This command is kept for backwards compatibility. See \pset
for a more general solution.
or \connect [ -reuse-previous=
] [ dbname
[ username
] [ host
] [ port
] | conninfo
Where the command omits database name, user, host, or port, the new connection can reuse values from the previous connection. By default, values from the previous connection are reused except when processing a conninfo
string. Passing a first argument of -reuse-previous=on
or -reuse-previous=off
overrides that default. When the command neither specifies nor reuses a particular parameter, the libpq default is used. Specifying any of dbname
, username
, host
or port
as -
is equivalent to omitting that parameter.
If the new connection is successfully made, the previous connection is closed. If the connection attempt failed (wrong user name, access denied, etc.), the previous connection will only be kept ifpsql is in interactive mode. When executing a non-interactive script, processing will immediately stop with an error. This distinction was chosen as a user convenience against typos on the one hand, and a safety mechanism that scripts are not accidentally acting on the wrong database on the other hand.
\C [
Sets the title of any tables being printed as the result of a query or unset any such title. This command is equivalent to \pset title
. (The name of this command derives from “caption”, as it was previously only used to set the caption in an HTML table.)\cd [
Changes the current working directory to directory
. Without argument, changes to the current user's home directory.
To print your current working directory, use \! pwd
Outputs information about the current database connection.
\copy {
[ ( column_list
) ] | ( query
) } { from
| to
} { 'filename'
| program 'command'
| stdin | stdout | pstdin | pstdout } [ [ with ] ( option
[, ...] ) ]
When program
is specified, command
is executed by psql and the data passed from or to command
is routed between the server and the client. Again, the execution privileges are those of the local user, not the server, and no SQL superuser privileges are required.
For \copy ... from stdin
, data rows are read from the same source that issued the command, continuing until \.
is read or the stream reaches EOF. This option is useful for populating tables in-line within a SQL script file. For \copy ... to stdout
, output is sent to the same place as psql command output, and the COPY
command status is not printed (since it might be confused with a data row). To read/write psql's standard input or output regardless of the current command source or \o
option, write from pstdin
or to pstdout
This operation is not as efficient as the SQL COPY
command because all data must pass through the client/server connection. For large amounts of data the SQLcommand might be preferable.
Shows the copyright and distribution terms of PostgreSQL.
\crosstabview [
[ colH
[ colD
[ sortcolH
] ] ] ]
Executes the current query buffer (like \g
) and shows the results in a crosstab grid. The query must return at least three columns. The output column identified by colV
becomes a vertical header and the output column identified by colH
becomes a horizontal header. colD
identifies the output column to display within the grid. sortcolH
identifies an optional sort column for the horizontal header.
Each column specification can be a column number (starting at 1) or a column name. The usual SQL case folding and quoting rules apply to column names. If omitted, colV
is taken as column 1 and colH
as column 2. colH
must differ from colV
. If colD
is not specified, then there must be exactly three columns in the query result, and the column that is neither colV
nor colH
is taken to be colD
The vertical header, displayed as the leftmost column, contains the values found in column colV
, in the same order as in the query results, but with duplicates removed.
The horizontal header, displayed as the first row, contains the values found in column colH
, with duplicates removed. By default, these appear in the same order as in the query results. But if the optional sortcolH
argument is given, it identifies a column whose values must be integer numbers, and the values from colH
will appear in the horizontal header sorted according to the corresponding sortcolH
Inside the crosstab grid, for each distinct value x
of colH
and each distinct value y
of colV
, the cell located at the intersection (x,y)
contains the value of the colD
column in the query result row for which the value of colH
is x
and the value of colV
is y
. If there is no such row, the cell is empty. If there are multiple such rows, an error is reported.
For some types of relation, \d
shows additional information for each column: column values for sequences, indexed expressions for indexes, and foreign data wrapper options for foreign tables.
By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects.
If \d
is used without a pattern
argument, it is equivalent to \dtvmsE
which will show a list of all visible tables, views, materialized views, sequences and foreign tables. This is purely a convenience measure.
Lists aggregate functions, together with their return type and the data types they operate on. If pattern
is specified, only aggregates whose names match the pattern are shown. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects.
Lists access methods. If pattern
is specified, only access methods whose names match the pattern are shown. If +
is appended to the command name, each access method is listed with its associated handler function and description.
Lists tablespaces. If pattern
is specified, only tablespaces whose names match the pattern are shown. If +
is appended to the command name, each tablespace is listed with its associated options, on-disk size, permissions and description.
Lists conversions between character-set encodings. If pattern
is specified, only conversions whose names match the pattern are listed. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects. If +
is appended to the command name, each object is listed with its associated description.
Lists type casts. If pattern
is specified, only casts whose source or target types match the pattern are listed. If +
is appended to the command name, each object is listed with its associated description.
Shows the descriptions of objects of type constraint
, operator class
, operator family
, rule
, and trigger
. All other comments may be viewed by the respective backslash commands for those object types.
displays descriptions for objects matching the pattern
, or of visible objects of the appropriate type if no argument is given. But in either case, only objects that have a description are listed. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects.
Lists domains. If pattern
is specified, only domains whose names match the pattern are shown. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects. If +
is appended to the command name, each object is listed with its associated permissions and description.
Lists default access privilege settings. An entry is shown for each role (and schema, if applicable) for which the default privilege settings have been changed from the built-in defaults. If pattern
is specified, only entries whose role name or schema name matches the pattern are listed.
In this group of commands, the letters E
, i
, m
, s
, t
, and v
stand for foreign table, index, materialized view, sequence, table, and view, respectively. You can specify any or all of these letters, in any order, to obtain a listing of objects of these types. For example, \dit
lists indexes and tables. If +
is appended to the command name, each object is listed with its physical size on disk and its associated description, if any. If pattern
is specified, only objects whose names match the pattern are listed. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects.
Lists foreign servers (mnemonic: “external servers”). If pattern
is specified, only those servers whose name matches the pattern are listed. If the form \des+
is used, a full description of each server is shown, including the server's ACL, type, version, options, and description.
Lists foreign tables (mnemonic: “external tables”). If pattern
is specified, only entries whose table name or schema name matches the pattern are listed. If the form \det+
is used, generic options and the foreign table description are also displayed.
Lists user mappings (mnemonic: “external users”). If pattern
is specified, only those mappings whose user names match the pattern are listed. If the form \deu+
is used, additional information about each mapping is shown.
might also display the user name and password of the remote user, so care should be taken not to disclose them.
Lists foreign-data wrappers (mnemonic: “external wrappers”). If pattern
is specified, only those foreign-data wrappers whose name matches the pattern are listed. If the form \dew+
is used, the ACL, options, and description of the foreign-data wrapper are also shown.
Lists functions, together with their result data types, argument data types, and function types, which are classified as “agg” (aggregate), “normal”, “procedure”, “trigger”, or “window”. To display only functions of specific type(s), add the corresponding letters a
, n
, p
, t
, or w
to the command. If pattern
is specified, only functions whose names match the pattern are shown. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects. If the form \df+
is used, additional information about each function is shown, including volatility, parallel safety, owner, security classification, access privileges, language, source code and description.
Lists text search dictionaries. If pattern
is specified, only dictionaries whose names match the pattern are shown. If the form \dFd+
is used, additional information is shown about each selected dictionary, including the underlying text search template and the option values.
Lists text search parsers. If pattern
is specified, only parsers whose names match the pattern are shown. If the form \dFp+
is used, a full description of each parser is shown, including the underlying functions and the list of recognized token types.
Lists text search templates. If pattern
is specified, only templates whose names match the pattern are shown. If the form \dFt+
is used, additional information is shown about each template, including the underlying function names.
Lists database roles. (Since the concepts of “users” and “groups” have been unified into “roles”, this command is now equivalent to \du
.) By default, only user-created roles are shown; supply the S
modifier to include system roles. If pattern
is specified, only those roles whose names match the pattern are listed. If the form \dg+
is used, additional information is shown about each role; currently this adds the comment for each role.
This is an alias for \lo_list
, which shows a list of large objects.
Lists procedural languages. If pattern
is specified, only languages whose names match the pattern are listed. By default, only user-created languages are shown; supply the S
modifier to include system objects. If +
is appended to the command name, each language is listed with its call handler, validator, access privileges, and whether it is a system object.
Lists schemas (namespaces). If pattern
is specified, only schemas whose names match the pattern are listed. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects. If +
is appended to the command name, each object is listed with its associated permissions and description, if any.
Lists operators with their operand and result types. If pattern
is specified, only operators whose names match the pattern are listed. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects. If +
is appended to the command name, additional information about each operator is shown, currently just the name of the underlying function.
Lists collations. If pattern
is specified, only collations whose names match the pattern are listed. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects. If +
is appended to the command name, each collation is listed with its associated description, if any. Note that only collations usable with the current database's encoding are shown, so the results may vary in different databases of the same installation.
Lists tables, views and sequences with their associated access privileges. If pattern
is specified, only tables, views and sequences whose names match the pattern are listed.
Lists defined configuration settings. These settings can be role-specific, database-specific, or both. role-pattern
and database-pattern
are used to select specific roles and databases to list, respectively. If omitted, or if *
is specified, all settings are listed, including those not role-specific or database-specific, respectively.
Lists replication publications. If pattern
is specified, only those publications whose names match the pattern are listed. If +
is appended to the command name, the tables associated with each publication are shown as well.
Lists replication subscriptions. If pattern
is specified, only those subscriptions whose names match the pattern are listed. If +
is appended to the command name, additional properties of the subscriptions are shown.
Lists data types. If pattern
is specified, only types whose names match the pattern are listed. If +
is appended to the command name, each type is listed with its internal name and size, its allowed values if it is an enum
type, and its associated permissions. By default, only user-created objects are shown; supply a pattern or the S
modifier to include system objects.
Lists database roles. (Since the concepts of “users” and “groups” have been unified into “roles”, this command is now equivalent to \dg
.) By default, only user-created roles are shown; supply the S
modifier to include system roles. If pattern
is specified, only those roles whose names match the pattern are listed. If the form \du+
is used, additional information is shown about each role; currently this adds the comment for each role.
Lists installed extensions. If pattern
is specified, only those extensions whose names match the pattern are listed. If the form \dx+
is used, all the objects belonging to each matching extension are listed.
Lists event triggers. If pattern
is specified, only those event triggers whose names match the pattern are listed. If +
is appended to the command name, each object is listed with its associated description.
or \edit
] [ line_number
If filename
is specified, the file is edited; after the editor exits, the file's content is copied into the current query buffer. If no filename
is given, the current query buffer is copied to a temporary file which is then edited in the same fashion. Or, if the current query buffer is empty, the most recently executed query is copied to a temporary file and edited in the same fashion.
The new contents of the query buffer are then re-parsed according to the normal rules of psql, treating the whole buffer as a single line. Any complete queries are immediately executed; that is, if the query buffer contains or ends with a semicolon, everything up to that point is executed. Whatever remains will wait in the query buffer; type semicolon or \g
to send it, or \r
to cancel it by clearing the query buffer. Treating the buffer as a single line primarily affects meta-commands: whatever is in the buffer after a meta-command will be taken as argument(s) to the meta-command, even if it spans multiple lines. (Thus you cannot make meta-command-using scripts this way. Use \i
for that.)
If a line number is specified, psql will position the cursor on the specified line of the file or query buffer. Note that if a single all-digits argument is given, psql assumes it is a line number, not a file name.
[ ... ]
Prints the arguments to the standard output, separated by one space and followed by a newline. This can be useful to intersperse information in the output of scripts. For example:
If the first argument is an unquoted -n
the trailing newline is not written.
If you use the \o
command to redirect your query output you might wish to use \qecho
instead of this command.\ef [
[ line_number
] ]
This command fetches and edits the definition of the named function or procedure, in the form of a CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
command. Editing is done in the same way as for \edit
. After the editor exits, the updated command waits in the query buffer; type semicolon or \g
to send it, or \r
to cancel.
The target function can be specified by name alone, or by name and arguments, for example foo(integer, text)
. The argument types must be given if there is more than one function of the same name.
If no function is specified, a blank CREATE FUNCTION
template is presented for editing.
If a line number is specified, psql will position the cursor on the specified line of the function body. (Note that the function body typically does not begin on the first line of the file.)
Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the argument(s) of \ef
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments.
\encoding [
Sets the client character set encoding. Without an argument, this command shows the current encoding.
Repeats the most recent server error message at maximum verbosity, as though VERBOSITY
were set to verbose
were set to always
\ev [
[ line_number
] ]
This command fetches and edits the definition of the named view, in the form of a CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW
command. Editing is done in the same way as for \edit
. After the editor exits, the updated command waits in the query buffer; type semicolon or \g
to send it, or \r
to cancel.
If no view is specified, a blank CREATE VIEW
template is presented for editing.
If a line number is specified, psql will position the cursor on the specified line of the view definition.
Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the argument(s) of \ev
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments.
\f [
Sets the field separator for unaligned query output. The default is the vertical bar (|
). It is equivalent to \pset fieldsep
\g [
\g [ |
Sends the current query buffer to the server for execution. If an argument is given, the query's output is written to the named file or piped to the given shell command, instead of displaying it as usual. The file or command is written to only if the query successfully returns zero or more tuples, not if the query fails or is a non-data-returning SQL command.
If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently sent query is re-executed instead. Except for that behavior, \g
without an argument is essentially equivalent to a semicolon. A \g
with argument is a “one-shot” alternative to the \o
If the argument begins with |
, then the entire remainder of the line is taken to be the command
to execute, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in it. The rest of the line is simply passed literally to the shell.
Shows the description (that is, the column names and data types) of the result of the current query buffer. The query is not actually executed; however, if it contains some type of syntax error, that error will be reported in the normal way.
If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently sent query is described instead.
Sends the current query buffer to the server, then treats each column of each row of the query's output (if any) as a SQL statement to be executed. For example, to create an index on each column of my_table
The generated queries are executed in the order in which the rows are returned, and left-to-right within each row if there is more than one column. NULL fields are ignored. The generated queries are sent literally to the server for processing, so they cannot be psql meta-commands nor contain psql variable references. If any individual query fails, execution of the remaining queries continues unless ON_ERROR_STOP
is set. Execution of each query is subject to ECHO
processing. (Setting ECHO
to all
or queries
is often advisable when using \gexec
.) Query logging, single-step mode, timing, and other query execution features apply to each generated query as well.
If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently sent query is re-executed instead.
\gset [
If you specify a prefix
, that string is prepended to the query's column names to create the variable names to use:
If a column result is NULL, the corresponding variable is unset rather than being set.
If the query fails or does not return one row, no variables are changed.
If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently sent query is re-executed instead.
\gx [
\gx [ |
is equivalent to \g
, but forces expanded output mode for this query. See \x
or \help
Gives syntax help on the specified SQL command. If command
is not specified, then psql will list all the commands for which syntax help is available. If command
is an asterisk (*
), then syntax help on all SQL commands is shown.
Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the argument(s) of \help
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments.
To simplify typing, commands that consists of several words do not have to be quoted. Thus it is fine to type \help alter table
or \html
Turns on HTML query output format. If the HTML format is already on, it is switched back to the default aligned text format. This command is for compatibility and convenience, but see \pset
about setting other output options.\i
or \include
Reads input from the file filename
and executes it as though it had been typed on the keyboard.
If filename
is -
(hyphen), then standard input is read until an EOF indication or \q
meta-command. This can be used to intersperse interactive input with input from files. Note that Readline behavior will be used only if it is active at the outermost level.
If you want to see the lines on the screen as they are read you must set the variable ECHO
to all
This group of commands implements nestable conditional blocks. A conditional block must begin with an \if
and end with an \endif
. In between there may be any number of \elif
clauses, which may optionally be followed by a single \else
clause. Ordinary queries and other types of backslash commands may (and usually do) appear between the commands forming a conditional block.
The \if
and \elif
commands read their argument(s) and evaluate them as a boolean expression. If the expression yields true
then processing continues normally; otherwise, lines are skipped until a matching \elif
, \else
, or \endif
is reached. Once an \if
or \elif
test has succeeded, the arguments of later \elif
commands in the same block are not evaluated but are treated as false. Lines following an \else
are processed only if no earlier matching \if
or \elif
The expression
argument of an \if
or \elif
command is subject to variable interpolation and backquote expansion, just like any other backslash command argument. After that it is evaluated like the value of an on/off option variable. So a valid value is any unambiguous case-insensitive match for one of: true
, false
, 1
, 0
, on
, off
, yes
, no
. For example, t
, T
, and tR
will all be considered to be true
Expressions that do not properly evaluate to true or false will generate a warning and be treated as false.
Lines being skipped are parsed normally to identify queries and backslash commands, but queries are not sent to the server, and backslash commands other than conditionals (\if
, \elif
, \else
, \endif
) are ignored. Conditional commands are checked only for valid nesting. Variable references in skipped lines are not expanded, and backquote expansion is not performed either.
All the backslash commands of a given conditional block must appear in the same source file. If EOF is reached on the main input file or an \include
-ed file before all local \if
-blocks have been closed, then psql will raise an error.
Here is an example:
or \include_relative
The \ir
command is similar to \i
, but resolves relative file names differently. When executing in interactive mode, the two commands behave identically. However, when invoked from a script,\ir
interprets file names relative to the directory in which the script is located, rather than the current working directory.
List the databases in the server and show their names, owners, character set encodings, and access privileges. If pattern
is specified, only databases whose names match the pattern are listed. If +
is appended to the command name, database sizes, default tablespaces, and descriptions are also displayed. (Size information is only available for databases that the current user can connect to.)
Reads the large object with OID loid
from the database and writes it to filename
. Note that this is subtly different from the server function lo_export
, which acts with the permissions of the user that the database server runs as and on the server's file system.
Use \lo_list
to find out the large object's OID.
[ comment
Stores the file into a PostgreSQL large object. Optionally, it associates the given comment with the object. Example:
The response indicates that the large object received object ID 152801, which can be used to access the newly-created large object in the future. For the sake of readability, it is recommended to always associate a human-readable comment with every object. Both OIDs and comments can be viewed with the \lo_list
Note that this command is subtly different from the server-side lo_import
because it acts as the local user on the local file system, rather than the server's user and file system.
Shows a list of all PostgreSQL large objects currently stored in the database, along with any comments provided for them.
Deletes the large object with OID loid
from the database.
Use \lo_list
to find out the large object's OID.
or \out [
or \out [ |
Arranges to save future query results to the file filename
or pipe future results to the shell command command
. If no argument is specified, the query output is reset to the standard output.
If the argument begins with |
, then the entire remainder of the line is taken to be the command
to execute, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in it. The rest of the line is simply passed literally to the shell.
“Query results” includes all tables, command responses, and notices obtained from the database server, as well as output of various backslash commands that query the database (such as \d
); but not error messages.
To intersperse text output in between query results, use \qecho
or \print
Print the current query buffer to the standard output. If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently executed query is printed instead.
\password [
Changes the password of the specified user (by default, the current user). This command prompts for the new password, encrypts it, and sends it to the server as an ALTER ROLE
command. This makes sure that the new password does not appear in cleartext in the command history, the server log, or elsewhere.
\prompt [
] name
Prompts the user to supply text, which is assigned to the variable name
. An optional prompt string, text
, can be specified. (For multiword prompts, surround the text with single quotes.)
By default, \prompt
uses the terminal for input and output. However, if the -f
command line switch was used, \prompt
uses standard input and standard output.
\pset [
[ value
] ]
This command sets options affecting the output of query result tables. option
indicates which option is to be set. The semantics of value
vary depending on the selected option. For some options, omitting value
causes the option to be toggled or unset, as described under the particular option. If no such behavior is mentioned, then omitting value
just results in the current setting being displayed.
without any arguments displays the current status of all printing options.
Adjustable printing options are:
The value
must be a number. In general, the higher the number the more borders and lines the tables will have, but details depend on the particular format. In HTML format, this will translate directly into the border=...
attribute. In most other formats only values 0 (no border), 1 (internal dividing lines), and 2 (table frame) make sense, and values above 2 will be treated the same as border = 2
. The latex
and latex-longtable
formats additionally allow a value of 3 to add dividing lines between data rows.
Sets the target width for the wrapped
format, and also the width limit for determining whether output is wide enough to require the pager or switch to the vertical display in expanded auto mode. Zero (the default) causes the target width to be controlled by the environment variable COLUMNS
, or the detected screen width if COLUMNS
is not set. In addition, if columns
is zero then thewrapped
format only affects screen output. If columns
is nonzero then file and pipe output is wrapped to that width as well.
(or x
If value
is specified it must be either on
or off
, which will enable or disable expanded mode, or auto
. If value
is omitted the command toggles between the on and off settings. When expanded mode is enabled, query results are displayed in two columns, with the column name on the left and the data on the right. This mode is useful if the data wouldn't fit on the screen in the normal “horizontal” mode. In the auto setting, the expanded mode is used whenever the query output has more than one column and is wider than the screen; otherwise, the regular mode is used. The auto setting is only effective in the aligned and wrapped formats. In other formats, it always behaves as if the expanded mode is off.
Specifies the field separator to be used in unaligned output format. That way one can create, for example, tab- or comma-separated output, which other programs might prefer. To set a tab as field separator, type \pset fieldsep '\t'
. The default field separator is '|'
(a vertical bar).
Sets the field separator to use in unaligned output format to a zero byte.
If value
is specified it must be either on
or off
which will enable or disable display of the table footer (the (
rows) count). If value
is omitted the command toggles footer display on or off.
Sets the output format to one of unaligned
, aligned
, wrapped
, html
, asciidoc
, latex
(uses tabular
), latex-longtable
, or troff-ms
. Unique abbreviations are allowed. (That would mean one letter is enough.)
format writes all columns of a row on one line, separated by the currently active field separator. This is useful for creating output that might be intended to be read in by other programs (for example, tab-separated or comma-separated format).
format is the standard, human-readable, nicely formatted text output; this is the default.
format is like aligned
but wraps wide data values across lines to make the output fit in the target column width. The target width is determined as described under the columns
option. Note that psql will not attempt to wrap column header titles; therefore, wrapped
format behaves the same as aligned
if the total width needed for column headers exceeds the target.
The html
, asciidoc
, latex
, latex-longtable
, and troff-ms
formats put out tables that are intended to be included in documents using the respective mark-up language. They are not complete documents! This might not be necessary in HTML, but in LaTeX you must have a complete document wrapper. latex-longtable
also requires the LaTeX longtable
and booktabs
Sets the border line drawing style to one of ascii
, old-ascii
, or unicode
. Unique abbreviations are allowed. (That would mean one letter is enough.) The default setting is ascii
. This option only affects the aligned
and wrapped
output formats.
style uses plain ASCII characters. Newlines in data are shown using a +
symbol in the right-hand margin. When the wrapped
format wraps data from one line to the next without a newline character, a dot (.
) is shown in the right-hand margin of the first line, and again in the left-hand margin of the following line.
style uses plain ASCII characters, using the formatting style used in PostgreSQL 8.4 and earlier. Newlines in data are shown using a :
symbol in place of the left-hand column separator. When the data is wrapped from one line to the next without a newline character, a ;
symbol is used in place of the left-hand column separator.
style uses Unicode box-drawing characters. Newlines in data are shown using a carriage return symbol in the right-hand margin. When the data is wrapped from one line to the next without a newline character, an ellipsis symbol is shown in the right-hand margin of the first line, and again in the left-hand margin of the following line.
When the border
setting is greater than zero, the linestyle
option also determines the characters with which the border lines are drawn. Plain ASCII characters work everywhere, but Unicode characters look nicer on displays that recognize them.null
Sets the string to be printed in place of a null value. The default is to print nothing, which can easily be mistaken for an empty string. For example, one might prefer \pset null '(null)'
If value
is specified it must be either on
or off
which will enable or disable display of a locale-specific character to separate groups of digits to the left of the decimal marker. If value
is omitted the command toggles between regular and locale-specific numeric output.pager
Controls use of a pager program for query and psql help output. If the environment variable PSQL_PAGER
is set, the output is piped to the specified program. Otherwise a platform-dependent default program (such as more
) is used.
When the pager
option is off
, the pager program is not used. When the pager
option is on
, the pager is used when appropriate, i.e., when the output is to a terminal and will not fit on the screen. The pager
option can also be set to always
, which causes the pager to be used for all terminal output regardless of whether it fits on the screen. \pset pager
without a value
toggles pager use on and off.
If pager_min_lines
is set to a number greater than the page height, the pager program will not be called unless there are at least this many lines of output to show. The default setting is 0.
Specifies the record (line) separator to use in unaligned output format. The default is a newline character.
Sets the record separator to use in unaligned output format to a zero byte.
(or T
In HTML format, this specifies attributes to be placed inside the table
tag. This could for example be cellpadding
or bgcolor
. Note that you probably don't want to specify border
here, as that is already taken care of by \pset border
. If no value
is given, the table attributes are unset.
In latex-longtable
format, this controls the proportional width of each column containing a left-aligned data type. It is specified as a whitespace-separated list of values, e.g. '0.2 0.2 0.6'
. Unspecified output columns use the last specified value.
(or C
Sets the table title for any subsequently printed tables. This can be used to give your output descriptive tags. If no value
is given, the title is unset.
(or t
If value
is specified it must be either on
or off
which will enable or disable tuples-only mode. If value
is omitted the command toggles between regular and tuples-only output. Regular output includes extra information such as column headers, titles, and various footers. In tuples-only mode, only actual table data is shown.
Sets the border drawing style for the unicode
line style to one of single
or double
Sets the column drawing style for the unicode
line style to one of single
or double
Sets the header drawing style for the unicode
line style to one of single
or double
There are various shortcut commands for \pset
. See \a
, \C
, \f
, \H
, \t
, \T
, and \x
or \quit
Quits the psql program. In a script file, only execution of that script is terminated.
[ ... ]
This command is identical to \echo
except that the output will be written to the query output channel, as set by \o
or \reset
Resets (clears) the query buffer.
\s [
Print psql's command line history to filename
. If filename
is omitted, the history is written to the standard output (using the pager if appropriate). This command is not available if psql was built without Readline support.
\set [
[ value
[ ... ] ] ]
Sets the psql variable name
to value
, or if more than one value is given, to the concatenation of all of them. If only one argument is given, the variable is set to an empty-string value. To unset a variable, use the \unset
without any arguments displays the names and values of all currently-set psql variables.
[ value
Sets the environment variable name
to value
, or if the value
is not supplied, unsets the environment variable. Example:
This command fetches and shows the definition of the named function or procedure, in the form of a CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION
command. The definition is printed to the current query output channel, as set by \o
The target function can be specified by name alone, or by name and arguments, for example foo(integer, text)
. The argument types must be given if there is more than one function of the same name.
If +
is appended to the command name, then the output lines are numbered, with the first line of the function body being line 1.
Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the argument(s) of \sf
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments.
This command fetches and shows the definition of the named view, in the form of a CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW
command. The definition is printed to the current query output channel, as set by \o
If +
is appended to the command name, then the output lines are numbered from 1.
Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the argument(s) of \sv
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments.
Toggles the display of output column name headings and row count footer. This command is equivalent to \pset tuples_only
and is provided for convenience.
Specifies attributes to be placed within the table
tag in HTML output format. This command is equivalent to \pset tableattr
\timing [
| off
With a parameter, turns displaying of how long each SQL statement takes on or off. Without a parameter, toggles the display between on and off. The display is in milliseconds; intervals longer than 1 second are also shown in minutes:seconds format, with hours and days fields added if needed.
Unsets (deletes) the psql variable name
or \write
or \write
Writes the current query buffer to the file filename
or pipes it to the shell command command
. If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently executed query is written instead.
If the argument begins with |
, then the entire remainder of the line is taken to be the command
to execute, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in it. The rest of the line is simply passed literally to the shell.
\watch [
Repeatedly execute the current query buffer (as \g
does) until interrupted or the query fails. Wait the specified number of seconds (default 2) between executions. Each query result is displayed with a header that includes the \pset title
string (if any), the time as of query start, and the delay interval.
If the current query buffer is empty, the most recently sent query is re-executed instead.
\x [
| off
| auto
Sets or toggles expanded table formatting mode. As such it is equivalent to \pset expanded
Lists tables, views and sequences with their associated access privileges. If a pattern
is specified, only tables, views and sequences whose names match the pattern are listed.
This is an alias for \dp
(“display privileges”).
\! [
With no argument, escapes to a sub-shell; psql resumes when the sub-shell exits. With an argument, executes the shell command command
Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the argument(s) of \!
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments. The rest of the line is simply passed literally to the shell.
\? [
Shows help information. The optional topic
parameter (defaulting to commands
) selects which part of psql is explained: commands
describes psql's backslash commands; options
describes the command-line options that can be passed to psql; and variables
shows help about psql configuration variables.
Backslash-semicolon is not a meta-command in the same way as the preceding commands; rather, it simply causes a semicolon to be added to the query buffer without any further processing.
Normally, psql will dispatch a SQL command to the server as soon as it reaches the command-ending semicolon, even if more input remains on the current line. Thus for example entering
will result in the three SQL commands being individually sent to the server, with each one's results being displayed before continuing to the next command. However, a semicolon entered as \;
will not trigger command processing, so that the command before it and the one after are effectively combined and sent to the server in one request. So for example
The various \d
commands accept a pattern
parameter to specify the object name(s) to be displayed. In the simplest case, a pattern is just the exact name of the object. The characters within a pattern are normally folded to lower case, just as in SQL names; for example, \dt FOO
will display the table named foo
. As in SQL names, placing double quotes around a pattern stops folding to lower case. Should you need to include an actual double quote character in a pattern, write it as a pair of double quotes within a double-quote sequence; again this is in accord with the rules for SQL quoted identifiers. For example, \dt "FOO""BAR"
will display the table named FOO"BAR
(not foo"bar
). Unlike the normal rules for SQL names, you can put double quotes around just part of a pattern, for instance \dt FOO"FOO"BAR
will display the table named fooFOObar
Whenever the pattern
parameter is omitted completely, the \d
commands display all objects that are visible in the current schema search path — this is equivalent to using *
as the pattern. (An object is said to be visible if its containing schema is in the search path and no object of the same kind and name appears earlier in the search path. This is equivalent to the statement that the object can be referenced by name without explicit schema qualification.) To see all objects in the database regardless of visibility, use *.*
as the pattern.
Within a pattern, *
matches any sequence of characters (including no characters) and ?
matches any single character. (This notation is comparable to Unix shell file name patterns.) For example, \dt int*
displays tables whose names begin with int
. But within double quotes, *
and ?
lose these special meanings and are just matched literally.
A pattern that contains a dot (.
) is interpreted as a schema name pattern followed by an object name pattern. For example, \dt foo*.*bar*
displays all tables whose table name includes bar
that are in schemas whose schema name starts with foo
. When no dot appears, then the pattern matches only objects that are visible in the current schema search path. Again, a dot within double quotes loses its special meaning and is matched literally.
psql provides variable substitution features similar to common Unix command shells. Variables are simply name/value pairs, where the value can be any string of any length. The name must consist of letters (including non-Latin letters), digits, and underscores.
To set a variable, use the psql meta-command \set
. For example,
sets the variable foo
to the value bar
. To retrieve the content of the variable, precede the name with a colon, for example:
If you call \set
without a second argument, the variable is set to an empty-string value. To unset (i.e., delete) a variable, use the command \unset
. To show the values of all variables, call \set
without any argument.
The arguments of \set
are subject to the same substitution rules as with other commands. Thus you can construct interesting references such as \set :foo 'something'
and get “soft links” or “variable variables” of Perl or PHP fame, respectively. Unfortunately (or fortunately?), there is no way to do anything useful with these constructs. On the other hand, \set bar :foo
is a perfectly valid way to copy a variable.
A number of these variables are treated specially by psql. They represent certain option settings that can be changed at run time by altering the value of the variable, or in some cases represent changeable state of psql. By convention, all specially treated variables' names consist of all upper-case ASCII letters (and possibly digits and underscores). To ensure maximum compatibility in the future, avoid using such variable names for your own purposes.
Variables that control psql's behavior generally cannot be unset or set to invalid values. An \unset
command is allowed but is interpreted as setting the variable to its default value. A \set
command without a second argument is interpreted as setting the variable to on
, for control variables that accept that value, and is rejected for others. Also, control variables that accept the values on
and off
will also accept other common spellings of Boolean values, such as true
and false
The specially treated variables are:AUTOCOMMIT
When on
(the default), each SQL command is automatically committed upon successful completion. To postpone commit in this mode, you must enter a BEGIN
SQL command. When off
or unset, SQL commands are not committed until you explicitly issue COMMIT
or END
. The autocommit-off mode works by issuing an implicit BEGIN
for you, just before any command that is not already in a transaction block and is not itself a BEGIN
or other transaction-control command, nor a command that cannot be executed inside a transaction block (such as VACUUM
In autocommit-off mode, you must explicitly abandon any failed transaction by entering ABORT
. Also keep in mind that if you exit the session without committing, your work will be lost.
The autocommit-on mode is PostgreSQL's traditional behavior, but autocommit-off is closer to the SQL spec. If you prefer autocommit-off, you might wish to set it in the system-wide psqlrc
file or your ~/.psqlrc
Determines which letter case to use when completing an SQL key word. If set to lower
or upper
, the completed word will be in lower or upper case, respectively. If set to preserve-lower
(the default), the completed word will be in the case of the word already entered, but words being completed without anything entered will be in lower or upper case, respectively.
The name of the database you are currently connected to. This is set every time you connect to a database (including program start-up), but can be changed or unset.
If set to all
, all nonempty input lines are printed to standard output as they are read. (This does not apply to lines read interactively.) To select this behavior on program start-up, use the switch -a
. If set to queries
, psql prints each query to standard output as it is sent to the server. The switch to select this behavior is -e
. If set to errors
, then only failed queries are displayed on standard error output. The switch for this behavior is -b
. If set to none
(the default), then no queries are displayed.
When this variable is set to on
and a backslash command queries the database, the query is first shown. This feature helps you to study PostgreSQL internals and provide similar functionality in your own programs. (To select this behavior on program start-up, use the switch -E
.) If you set this variable to the value noexec
, the queries are just shown but are not actually sent to the server and executed. The default value is off
The current client character set encoding. This is set every time you connect to a database (including program start-up), and when you change the encoding with \encoding
, but it can be changed or unset.
if the last SQL query failed, false
if it succeeded. See also SQLSTATE
If this variable is set to an integer value greater than zero, the results of SELECT
queries are fetched and displayed in groups of that many rows, rather than the default behavior of collecting the entire result set before display. Therefore only a limited amount of memory is used, regardless of the size of the result set. Settings of 100 to 1000 are commonly used when enabling this feature. Keep in mind that when using this feature, a query might fail after having already displayed some rows.
Although you can use any output format with this feature, the default aligned
format tends to look bad because each group of FETCH_COUNT
rows will be formatted separately, leading to varying column widths across the row groups. The other output formats work better.
If this variable is set to ignorespace
, lines which begin with a space are not entered into the history list. If set to a value of ignoredups
, lines matching the previous history line are not entered. A value of ignoreboth
combines the two options. If set to none
(the default), all lines read in interactive mode are saved on the history list.
This feature was shamelessly plagiarized from Bash.
The file name that will be used to store the history list. If unset, the file name is taken from the PSQL_HISTORY
environment variable. If that is not set either, the default is ~/.psql_history
, or %APPDATA%\postgresql\psql_history
on Windows. For example, putting:
in ~/.psqlrc
will cause psql to maintain a separate history for each database.
This feature was shamelessly plagiarized from Bash.
The maximum number of commands to store in the command history (default 500). If set to a negative value, no limit is applied.
This feature was shamelessly plagiarized from Bash.
The database server host you are currently connected to. This is set every time you connect to a database (including program start-up), but can be changed or unset.
If set to 1 or less, sending an EOF character (usually Control+D) to an interactive session of psql will terminate the application. If set to a larger numeric value, that many consecutive EOF characters must be typed to make an interactive session terminate. If the variable is set to a non-numeric value, it is interpreted as 10. The default is 0.
This feature was shamelessly plagiarized from Bash.
The value of the last affected OID, as returned from an INSERT
or \lo_import
command. This variable is only guaranteed to be valid until after the result of the next SQL command has been displayed.
The primary error message and associated SQLSTATE code for the most recent failed query in the current psql session, or an empty string and 00000
if no error has occurred in the current session.
When set to on
, if a statement in a transaction block generates an error, the error is ignored and the transaction continues. When set to interactive
, such errors are only ignored in interactive sessions, and not when reading script files. When set to off
(the default), a statement in a transaction block that generates an error aborts the entire transaction. The error rollback mode works by issuing an implicit SAVEPOINT
for you, just before each command that is in a transaction block, and then rolling back to the savepoint if the command fails.
By default, command processing continues after an error. When this variable is set to on
, processing will instead stop immediately. In interactive mode, psql will return to the command prompt; otherwise, psql will exit, returning error code 3 to distinguish this case from fatal error conditions, which are reported using error code 1. In either case, any currently running scripts (the top-level script, if any, and any other scripts which it may have in invoked) will be terminated immediately. If the top-level command string contained multiple SQL commands, processing will stop with the current command.
The database server port to which you are currently connected. This is set every time you connect to a database (including program start-up), but can be changed or unset.
Setting this variable to on
is equivalent to the command line option -q
. It is probably not too useful in interactive mode.
The number of rows returned or affected by the last SQL query, or 0 if the query failed or did not report a row count.
The server's version number as a string, for example 9.6.2
, 10.1
or 11beta1
, and in numeric form, for example 90602
or 100001
. These are set every time you connect to a database (including program start-up), but can be changed or unset.
This variable can be set to the values never
, errors
, or always
to control whether CONTEXT
fields are displayed in messages from the server. The default is errors
(meaning that context will be shown in error messages, but not in notice or warning messages). This setting has no effect when VERBOSITY
is set to terse
. (See also \errverbose
, for use when you want a verbose version of the error you just got.)
Setting this variable to on
is equivalent to the command line option -S
Setting this variable to on
is equivalent to the command line option -s
The database user you are currently connected as. This is set every time you connect to a database (including program start-up), but can be changed or unset.
This variable can be set to the values default
, verbose
, or terse
to control the verbosity of error reports. (See also \errverbose
, for use when you want a verbose version of the error you just got.)
These variables are set at program start-up to reflect psql's version, respectively as a verbose string, a short string (e.g., 9.6.2
, 10.1
, or 11beta1
), and a number (e.g., 90602
or 100001
). They can be changed or unset.
SQL Interpolation
A key feature of psql variables is that you can substitute (“interpolate”) them into regular SQL statements, as well as the arguments of meta-commands. Furthermore, psql provides facilities for ensuring that variable values used as SQL literals and identifiers are properly quoted. The syntax for interpolating a value without any quoting is to prepend the variable name with a colon (:
). For example,
would query the table my_table
. Note that this may be unsafe: the value of the variable is copied literally, so it can contain unbalanced quotes, or even backslash commands. You must make sure that it makes sense where you put it.
When a value is to be used as an SQL literal or identifier, it is safest to arrange for it to be quoted. To quote the value of a variable as an SQL literal, write a colon followed by the variable name in single quotes. To quote the value as an SQL identifier, write a colon followed by the variable name in double quotes. These constructs deal correctly with quotes and other special characters embedded within the variable value. The previous example would be more safely written this way:
Variable interpolation will not be performed within quoted SQL literals and identifiers. Therefore, a construction such as ':foo'
doesn't work to produce a quoted literal from a variable's value (and it would be unsafe if it did work, since it wouldn't correctly handle quotes embedded in the value).
One example use of this mechanism is to copy the contents of a file into a table column. First load the file into a variable and then interpolate the variable's value as a quoted string:
(Note that this still won't work if my_file.txt
contains NUL bytes. psql does not support embedded NUL bytes in variable values.)
Since colons can legally appear in SQL commands, an apparent attempt at interpolation (that is, :name
, :'name'
, or :"name"
) is not replaced unless the named variable is currently set. In any case, you can escape a colon with a backslash to protect it from substitution.
The :{?
} special syntax returns TRUE or FALSE depending on whether the variable exists or not, and is thus always substituted, unless the colon is backslash-escaped.
The colon syntax for variables is standard SQL for embedded query languages, such as ECPG. The colon syntaxes for array slices and type casts are PostgreSQL extensions, which can sometimes conflict with the standard usage. The colon-quote syntax for escaping a variable's value as an SQL literal or identifier is a psql extension.
The prompts psql issues can be customized to your preference. The three variables PROMPT1
, and PROMPT3
contain strings and special escape sequences that describe the appearance of the prompt. Prompt 1 is the normal prompt that is issued when psql requests a new command. Prompt 2 is issued when more input is expected during command entry, for example because the command was not terminated with a semicolon or a quote was not closed. Prompt 3 is issued when you are running an SQL COPY FROM STDIN
command and you need to type in a row value on the terminal.
The value of the selected prompt variable is printed literally, except where a percent sign (%
) is encountered. Depending on the next character, certain other text is substituted instead. Defined substitutions are:
The full host name (with domain name) of the database server, or [local]
if the connection is over a Unix domain socket, or [local:
], if the Unix domain socket is not at the compiled in default location.
The host name of the database server, truncated at the first dot, or [local]
if the connection is over a Unix domain socket.
The port number at which the database server is listening.
The database session user name. (The expansion of this value might change during a database session as the result of the command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
The name of the current database.
Like %/
, but the output is ~
(tilde) if the database is your default database.
If the session user is a database superuser, then a #
, otherwise a >
. (The expansion of this value might change during a database session as the result of the command SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
The process ID of the backend currently connected to.
In prompt 1 normally =
, but @
if the session is in an inactive branch of a conditional block, or ^
if in single-line mode, or !
if the session is disconnected from the database (which can happen if\connect
fails). In prompt 2 %R
is replaced by a character that depends on why psql expects more input: -
if the command simply wasn't terminated yet, but *
if there is an unfinished /* ... */
comment, a single quote if there is an unfinished quoted string, a double quote if there is an unfinished quoted identifier, a dollar sign if there is an unfinished dollar-quoted string, or (
if there is an unmatched left parenthesis. In prompt 3 %R
doesn't produce anything.%x
Transaction status: an empty string when not in a transaction block, or *
when in a transaction block, or !
when in a failed transaction block, or ?
when the transaction state is indeterminate (for example, because there is no connection).%l
The line number inside the current statement, starting from 1
The character with the indicated octal code is substituted.%:
The output of command
, similar to ordinary “back-tick” substitution.%[
... %]
Prompts can contain terminal control characters which, for example, change the color, background, or style of the prompt text, or change the title of the terminal window. In order for the line editing features of Readline to work properly, these non-printing control characters must be designated as invisible by surrounding them with %[
and %]
. Multiple pairs of these can occur within the prompt. For example:
results in a boldfaced (1;
) yellow-on-black (33;40
) prompt on VT100-compatible, color-capable terminals.
To insert a percent sign into your prompt, write %%
. The default prompts are '%/%R%# '
for prompts 1 and 2, and '>> '
for prompt 3.
This feature was shamelessly plagiarized from tcsh.
Command-Line Editing
psql supports the Readline library for convenient line editing and retrieval. The command history is automatically saved when psql exits and is reloaded when psql starts up. Tab-completion is also supported, although the completion logic makes no claim to be an SQL parser. The queries generated by tab-completion can also interfere with other SQL commands, e.g. SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL
. If for some reason you do not like the tab completion, you can turn it off by putting this in a file named .inputrc
in your home directory:
(This is not a psql but a Readline feature. Read its documentation for further details.)
If \pset columns
is zero, controls the width for the wrapped
format and width for determining if wide output requires the pager or should be switched to the vertical format in expanded auto mode.
Editor used by the \e
, \ef
, and \ev
commands. These variables are examined in the order listed; the first that is set is used. If none of them is set, the default is to use vi
on Unix systems ornotepad.exe
on Windows systems.
When \e
, \ef
, or \ev
is used with a line number argument, this variable specifies the command-line argument used to pass the starting line number to the user's editor. For editors such as Emacsor vi, this is a plus sign. Include a trailing space in the value of the variable if there needs to be space between the option name and the line number. Examples:
The default is +
on Unix systems (corresponding to the default editor vi
, and useful for many other common editors); but there is no default on Windows systems.
Alternative location for the command history file. Tilde (~
) expansion is performed.
If a query's results do not fit on the screen, they are piped through this command. Typical values are more
or less
. Use of the pager can be disabled by setting PSQL_PAGER
to an empty string, or by adjusting the pager-related options of the \pset
command. These variables are examined in the order listed; the first that is set is used. If none of them is set, the default is to use more
on most platforms, but less
on Cygwin.
Alternative location of the user's .psqlrc
file. Tilde (~
) expansion is performed.
Command executed by the \!
Directory for storing temporary files. The default is /tmp
and ~/.psqlrc
Unless it is passed an -X
option, psql attempts to read and execute commands from the system-wide startup file (psqlrc
) and then the user's personal startup file (~/.psqlrc
), after connecting to the database but before accepting normal commands. These files can be used to set up the client and/or the server to taste, typically with \set
and SET
The system-wide startup file is named psqlrc
and is sought in the installation's “system configuration” directory, which is most reliably identified by running pg_config --sysconfdir
. By default this directory will be ../etc/
relative to the directory containing the PostgreSQL executables. The name of this directory can be set explicitly via the PGSYSCONFDIR
environment variable.
The user's personal startup file is named .psqlrc
and is sought in the invoking user's home directory. On Windows, which lacks such a concept, the personal startup file is named %APPDATA%\postgresql\psqlrc.conf
. The location of the user's startup file can be set explicitly via the PSQLRC
environment variable.
Both the system-wide startup file and the user's personal startup file can be made psql-version-specific by appending a dash and the PostgreSQL major or minor release number to the file name, for example ~/.psqlrc-9.2
or ~/.psqlrc-9.2.5
. The most specific version-matching file will be read in preference to a non-version-specific file..psql_history
The command-line history is stored in the file ~/.psql_history
, or %APPDATA%\postgresql\psql_history
on Windows.
The location of the history file can be set explicitly via the HISTFILE
psql variable or the PSQL_HISTORY
environment variable.
psql works best with servers of the same or an older major version. Backslash commands are particularly likely to fail if the server is of a newer version than psql itself. However, backslash commands of the \d
family should work with servers of versions back to 7.4, though not necessarily with servers newer than psql itself. The general functionality of running SQL commands and displaying query results should also work with servers of a newer major version, but this cannot be guaranteed in all cases.
If you want to use psql to connect to several servers of different major versions, it is recommended that you use the newest version of psql. Alternatively, you can keep around a copy of psqlfrom each major version and be sure to use the version that matches the respective server. But in practice, this additional complication should not be necessary.
Before PostgreSQL 9.6, the -c
option implied -X
); this is no longer the case.
Before PostgreSQL 8.4, psql allowed the first argument of a single-letter backslash command to start directly after the command, without intervening whitespace. Now, some whitespace is required.
psql is built as a “console application”. Since the Windows console windows use a different encoding than the rest of the system, you must take special care when using 8-bit characters within psql. If psql detects a problematic console code page, it will warn you at startup. To change the console code page, two things are necessary:
Set the code page by entering cmd.exe /c chcp 1252
. (1252 is a code page that is appropriate for German; replace it with your value.) If you are using Cygwin, you can put this command in /etc/profile
Set the console font to Lucida Console
, because the raster font does not work with the ANSI code page.
The first example shows how to spread a command over several lines of input. Notice the changing prompt:
Now look at the table definition again:
Now we change the prompt to something more interesting:
Let's assume you have filled the table with data and want to take a look at it:
You can display tables in different ways by using the \pset
Alternatively, use the short commands:
When suitable, query results can be shown in a crosstab representation with the \crosstabview
This second example shows a multiplication table with rows sorted in reverse numerical order and columns with an independent, ascending numerical order.
pg_dump — extract a PostgreSQL database into a script file or other archive file
...] [option
...] [dbname
pg_dump is a utility for backing up a PostgreSQL database. It makes consistent backups even if the database is being used concurrently. pg_dump does not block other users accessing the database (readers or writers).
pg_dump only dumps a single database. To back up an entire cluster, or to back up global objects that are common to all databases in a cluster (such as roles and tablespaces), use .
Dumps can be output in script or archive file formats. Script dumps are plain-text files containing the SQL commands required to reconstruct the database to the state it was in at the time it was saved. To restore from such a script, feed it to . Script files can be used to reconstruct the database even on other machines and other architectures; with some modifications, even on other SQL database products.
The alternative archive file formats must be used with to rebuild the database. They allow pg_restore to be selective about what is restored, or even to reorder the items prior to being restored. The archive file formats are designed to be portable across architectures.
When used with one of the archive file formats and combined with pg_restore, pg_dump provides a flexible archival and transfer mechanism. pg_dump can be used to backup an entire database, then pg_restore can be used to examine the archive and/or select which parts of the database are to be restored. The most flexible output file formats are the “custom” format (-Fc
) and the “directory”format (-Fd
). They allow for selection and reordering of all archived items, support parallel restoration, and are compressed by default. The “directory” format is the only format that supports parallel dumps.
While running pg_dump, one should examine the output for any warnings (printed on standard error), especially in light of the limitations listed below.
The following command-line options control the content and format of the output.
Specifies the name of the database to be dumped. If this is not specified, the environment variable PGDATABASE
is used. If that is not set, the user name specified for the connection is used.
Dump only the data, not the schema (data definitions). Table data, large objects, and sequence values are dumped.
This option is similar to, but for historical reasons not identical to, specifying --section=data
Include large objects in the dump. This is the default behavior except when --schema
, --table
, or --schema-only
is specified. The -b
switch is therefore only useful to add large objects to dumps where a specific schema or table has been requested. Note that blobs are considered data and therefore will be included when --data-only
is used, but not when --schema-only
Exclude large objects in the dump.
When both -b
and -B
are given, the behavior is to output large objects, when data is being dumped, see the -b
Output commands to clean (drop) database objects prior to outputting the commands for creating them. (Unless --if-exists
is also specified, restore might generate some harmless error messages, if any objects were not present in the destination database.)
This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore
Begin the output with a command to create the database itself and reconnect to the created database. (With a script of this form, it doesn't matter which database in the destination installation you connect to before running the script.) If --clean
is also specified, the script drops and recreates the target database before reconnecting to it.
With --create
, the output also includes the database's comment if any, and any configuration variable settings that are specific to this database, that is, any ALTER DATABASE ... SET ...
commands that mention this database. Access privileges for the database itself are also dumped, unless --no-acl
is specified.
This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore
Create the dump in the specified character set encoding. By default, the dump is created in the database encoding. (Another way to get the same result is to set the PGCLIENTENCODING
environment variable to the desired dump encoding.)
Send output to the specified file. This parameter can be omitted for file based output formats, in which case the standard output is used. It must be given for the directory output format however, where it specifies the target directory instead of a file. In this case the directory is created by pg_dump
and must not exist before.
Selects the format of the output. format
can be one of the following:
Output a plain-text SQL script file (the default).
Output a custom-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore. Together with the directory output format, this is the most flexible output format in that it allows manual selection and reordering of archived items during restore. This format is also compressed by default.
Output a directory-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore. This will create a directory with one file for each table and blob being dumped, plus a so-called Table of Contents file describing the dumped objects in a machine-readable format that pg_restore can read. A directory format archive can be manipulated with standard Unix tools; for example, files in an uncompressed archive can be compressed with the gzip tool. This format is compressed by default and also supports parallel dumps.
Output a tar
-format archive suitable for input into pg_restore. The tar format is compatible with the directory format: extracting a tar-format archive produces a valid directory-format archive. However, the tar format does not support compression. Also, when using tar format the relative order of table data items cannot be changed during restore.
Run the dump in parallel by dumping njobs
tables simultaneously. This option reduces the time of the dump but it also increases the load on the database server. You can only use this option with the directory output format because this is the only output format where multiple processes can write their data at the same time.
Requesting exclusive locks on database objects while running a parallel dump could cause the dump to fail. The reason is that the pg_dump master process requests shared locks on the objects that the worker processes are going to dump later in order to make sure that nobody deletes them and makes them go away while the dump is running. If another client then requests an exclusive lock on a table, that lock will not be granted but will be queued waiting for the shared lock of the master process to be released. Consequently any other access to the table will not be granted either and will queue after the exclusive lock request. This includes the worker process trying to dump the table. Without any precautions this would be a classic deadlock situation. To detect this conflict, the pg_dump worker process requests another shared lock using the NOWAIT
option. If the worker process is not granted this shared lock, somebody else must have requested an exclusive lock in the meantime and there is no way to continue with the dump, so pg_dump has no choice but to abort the dump.
For a consistent backup, the database server needs to support synchronized snapshots, a feature that was introduced in PostgreSQL 9.2 for primary servers and 10 for standbys. With this feature, database clients can ensure they see the same data set even though they use different connections. pg_dump -j
uses multiple database connections; it connects to the database once with the master process and once again for each worker job. Without the synchronized snapshot feature, the different worker jobs wouldn't be guaranteed to see the same data in each connection, which could lead to an inconsistent backup.
If you want to run a parallel dump of a pre-9.2 server, you need to make sure that the database content doesn't change from between the time the master connects to the database until the last worker job has connected to the database. The easiest way to do this is to halt any data modifying processes (DDL and DML) accessing the database before starting the backup. You also need to specify the --no-synchronized-snapshots
parameter when running pg_dump -j
against a pre-9.2 PostgreSQL server.
When -n
is specified, pg_dump makes no attempt to dump any other database objects that the selected schema(s) might depend upon. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the results of a specific-schema dump can be successfully restored by themselves into a clean database.
Non-schema objects such as blobs are not dumped when -n
is specified. You can add blobs back to the dump with the --blobs
Do not dump any schemas matching the schema
pattern. The pattern is interpreted according to the same rules as for -n
. -N
can be given more than once to exclude schemas matching any of several patterns.
When both -n
and -N
are given, the behavior is to dump just the schemas that match at least one -n
switch but no -N
switches. If -N
appears without -n
, then schemas matching -N
are excluded from what is otherwise a normal dump.
Dump object identifiers (OIDs) as part of the data for every table. Use this option if your application references the OID columns in some way (e.g., in a foreign key constraint). Otherwise, this option should not be used.
Do not output commands to set ownership of objects to match the original database. By default, pg_dump issues ALTER OWNER
statements to set ownership of created database objects. These statements will fail when the script is run unless it is started by a superuser (or the same user that owns all of the objects in the script). To make a script that can be restored by any user, but will give that user ownership of all the objects, specify -O
This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore
This option is obsolete but still accepted for backwards compatibility.
Dump only the object definitions (schema), not data.
This option is the inverse of --data-only
. It is similar to, but for historical reasons not identical to, specifying --section=pre-data --section=post-data
(Do not confuse this with the --schema
option, which uses the word “schema” in a different meaning.)
To exclude table data for only a subset of tables in the database, see --exclude-table-data
Specify the superuser user name to use when disabling triggers. This is relevant only if --disable-triggers
is used. (Usually, it's better to leave this out, and instead start the resulting script as superuser.)
The -n
and -N
switches have no effect when -t
is used, because tables selected by -t
will be dumped regardless of those switches, and non-table objects will not be dumped.
When -t
is specified, pg_dump makes no attempt to dump any other database objects that the selected table(s) might depend upon. Therefore, there is no guarantee that the results of a specific-table dump can be successfully restored by themselves into a clean database.
The behavior of the -t
switch is not entirely upward compatible with pre-8.2PostgreSQL versions. Formerly, writing -t tab
would dump all tables named tab
, but now it just dumps whichever one is visible in your default search path. To get the old behavior you can write -t '*.tab'
. Also, you must write something like -t sch.tab
to select a table in a particular schema, rather than the old locution of -n sch -t tab
Do not dump any tables matching the table
pattern. The pattern is interpreted according to the same rules as for -t
. -T
can be given more than once to exclude tables matching any of several patterns.
When both -t
and -T
are given, the behavior is to dump just the tables that match at least one -t
switch but no -T
switches. If -T
appears without -t
, then tables matching -T
are excluded from what is otherwise a normal dump.
Specifies verbose mode. This will cause pg_dump to output detailed object comments and start/stop times to the dump file, and progress messages to standard error.
Print the pg_dump version and exit.
Prevent dumping of access privileges (grant/revoke commands).
Specify the compression level to use. Zero means no compression. For the custom archive format, this specifies compression of individual table-data segments, and the default is to compress at a moderate level. For plain text output, setting a nonzero compression level causes the entire output file to be compressed, as though it had been fed through gzip; but the default is not to compress. The tar archive format currently does not support compression at all.
This option is for use by in-place upgrade utilities. Its use for other purposes is not recommended or supported. The behavior of the option may change in future releases without notice.
Dump data as INSERT
commands with explicit column names (INSERT INTO
, ...) VALUES ...). This will make restoration very slow; it is mainly useful for making dumps that can be loaded into non-PostgreSQL databases. However, since this option generates a separate command for each row, an error in reloading a row causes only that row to be lost rather than the entire table contents.
This option disables the use of dollar quoting for function bodies, and forces them to be quoted using SQL standard string syntax.
This option is relevant only when creating a data-only dump. It instructs pg_dump to include commands to temporarily disable triggers on the target tables while the data is reloaded. Use this if you have referential integrity checks or other triggers on the tables that you do not want to invoke during data reload.
Presently, the commands emitted for --disable-triggers
must be done as superuser. So, you should also specify a superuser name with -S
, or preferably be careful to start the resulting script as a superuser.
This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore
Note that if you use this option currently, you probably also want the dump be in INSERT
format, as the COPY FROM
during restore does not support row security.
Do not dump data for any tables matching the table
pattern. The pattern is interpreted according to the same rules as for -t
. --exclude-table-data
can be given more than once to exclude tables matching any of several patterns. This option is useful when you need the definition of a particular table even though you do not need the data in it.
To exclude data for all tables in the database, see --schema-only
Use conditional commands (i.e. add an IF EXISTS
clause) when cleaning database objects. This option is not valid unless --clean
is also specified.
Dump data as INSERT
commands (rather than COPY
). This will make restoration very slow; it is mainly useful for making dumps that can be loaded into non-PostgreSQL databases. However, since this option generates a separate command for each row, an error in reloading a row causes only that row to be lost rather than the entire table contents. Note that the restore might fail altogether if you have rearranged column order. The --column-inserts
option is safe against column order changes, though even slower.
When dumping data for a table partition, make the COPY
statements target the root of the partitioning hierarchy that contains it, rather than the partition itself. This causes the appropriate partition to be re-determined for each row when the data is loaded. This may be useful when reloading data on a server where rows do not always fall into the same partitions as they did on the original server. That could happen, for example, if the partitioning column is of type text and the two systems have different definitions of the collation used to sort the partitioning column.
It is best not to use parallelism when restoring from an archive made with this option, because pg_restore will not know exactly which partition(s) a given archive data item will load data into. This could result in inefficiency due to lock conflicts between parallel jobs, or perhaps even reload failures due to foreign key constraints being set up before all the relevant data is loaded.
Do not wait forever to acquire shared table locks at the beginning of the dump. Instead fail if unable to lock a table within the specified timeout
. The timeout may be specified in any of the formats accepted by SET statement_timeout
. (Allowed formats vary depending on the server version you are dumping from, but an integer number of milliseconds is accepted by all versions.)
Do not dump comments.
Do not dump publications.
Do not dump security labels.
Do not dump subscriptions.
By default, pg_dump
will wait for all files to be written safely to disk. This option causes pg_dump
to return without waiting, which is faster, but means that a subsequent operating system crash can leave the dump corrupt. Generally, this option is useful for testing but should not be used when dumping data from production installation.
This option allows running pg_dump -j
against a pre-9.2 server, see the documentation of the -j
parameter for more details.
Do not output commands to select tablespaces. With this option, all objects will be created in whichever tablespace is the default during restore.
This option is only meaningful for the plain-text format. For the archive formats, you can specify the option when you call pg_restore
Do not dump the contents of unlogged tables. This option has no effect on whether or not the table definitions (schema) are dumped; it only suppresses dumping the table data. Data in unlogged tables is always excluded when dumping from a standby server.
Force quoting of all identifiers. This option is recommended when dumping a database from a server whose PostgreSQL major version is different from pg_dump's, or when the output is intended to be loaded into a server of a different major version. By default, pg_dump quotes only identifiers that are reserved words in its own major version. This sometimes results in compatibility issues when dealing with servers of other versions that may have slightly different sets of reserved words. Using --quote-all-identifiers
prevents such issues, at the price of a harder-to-read dump script.
Only dump the named section. The section name can be pre-data
, data
, or post-data
. This option can be specified more than once to select multiple sections. The default is to dump all sections.
The data section contains actual table data, large-object contents, and sequence values. Post-data items include definitions of indexes, triggers, rules, and constraints other than validated check constraints. Pre-data items include all other data definition items.
This option is not beneficial for a dump which is intended only for disaster recovery. It could be useful for a dump used to load a copy of the database for reporting or other read-only load sharing while the original database continues to be updated. Without it the dump may reflect a state which is not consistent with any serial execution of the transactions eventually committed. For example, if batch processing techniques are used, a batch may show as closed in the dump without all of the items which are in the batch appearing.
This option will make no difference if there are no read-write transactions active when pg_dump is started. If read-write transactions are active, the start of the dump may be delayed for an indeterminate length of time. Once running, performance with or without the switch is the same.
In the case of a parallel dump, the snapshot name defined by this option is used rather than taking a new snapshot.
Require that each schema (-n
) and table (-t
) qualifier match at least one schema/table in the database to be dumped. Note that if none of the schema/table qualifiers find matches, pg_dump will generate an error even without --strict-names
This option has no effect on -N
, -T
, or --exclude-table-data
. An exclude pattern failing to match any objects is not considered an error.
commands instead of ALTER OWNER
commands to determine object ownership. This makes the dump more standards-compatible, but depending on the history of the objects in the dump, might not restore properly. Also, a dump using SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION
will certainly require superuser privileges to restore correctly, whereas ALTER OWNER
requires lesser privileges.
Show help about pg_dump command line arguments, and exit.
The following command-line options control the database connection parameters.
Specifies the name of the database to connect to. This is equivalent to specifying dbname
as the first non-option argument on the command line.
Specifies the host name of the machine on which the server is running. If the value begins with a slash, it is used as the directory for the Unix domain socket. The default is taken from the PGHOST
environment variable, if set, else a Unix domain socket connection is attempted.
Specifies the TCP port or local Unix domain socket file extension on which the server is listening for connections. Defaults to the PGPORT
environment variable, if set, or a compiled-in default.
User name to connect as.
Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means such as a .pgpass
file, the connection attempt will fail. This option can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to enter a password.
Force pg_dump to prompt for a password before connecting to a database.
This option is never essential, since pg_dump will automatically prompt for a password if the server demands password authentication. However, pg_dump will waste a connection attempt finding out that the server wants a password. In some cases it is worth typing -W
to avoid the extra connection attempt.
Specifies a role name to be used to create the dump. This option causes pg_dump to issue a SET ROLE
command after connecting to the database. It is useful when the authenticated user (specified by -U
) lacks privileges needed by pg_dump, but can switch to a role with the required rights. Some installations have a policy against logging in directly as a superuser, and use of this option allows dumps to be made without violating the policy.
Default connection parameters.
The database activity of pg_dump is normally collected by the statistics collector. If this is undesirable, you can set parameter track_counts
to false via PGOPTIONS
If your database cluster has any local additions to the template1
database, be careful to restore the output of pg_dump into a truly empty database; otherwise you are likely to get errors due to duplicate definitions of the added objects. To make an empty database without any local additions, copy from template0
not template1
, for example:
When a data-only dump is chosen and the option --disable-triggers
is used, pg_dump emits commands to disable triggers on user tables before inserting the data, and then commands to re-enable them after the data has been inserted. If the restore is stopped in the middle, the system catalogs might be left in the wrong state.
Because pg_dump is used to transfer data to newer versions of PostgreSQL, the output of pg_dump can be expected to load into PostgreSQL server versions newer than pg_dump's version. pg_dumpcan also dump from PostgreSQL servers older than its own version. (Currently, servers back to version 8.0 are supported.) However, pg_dump cannot dump from PostgreSQL servers newer than its own major version; it will refuse to even try, rather than risk making an invalid dump. Also, it is not guaranteed that pg_dump's output can be loaded into a server of an older major version — not even if the dump was taken from a server of that version. Loading a dump file into an older server may require manual editing of the dump file to remove syntax not understood by the older server. Use of the --quote-all-identifiers
option is recommended in cross-version cases, as it can prevent problems arising from varying reserved-word lists in different PostgreSQL versions.
When dumping logical replication subscriptions, pg_dump will generate CREATE SUBSCRIPTION
commands that use the NOCONNECT
option, so that restoring the subscription does not make remote connections for creating a replication slot or for initial table copy. That way, the dump can be restored without requiring network access to the remote servers. It is then up to the user to reactivate the subscriptions in a suitable way. If the involved hosts have changed, the connection information might have to be changed. It might also be appropriate to truncate the target tables before initiating a new full table copy.
To dump a database called mydb
into a SQL-script file:
To reload such a script into a (freshly created) database named newdb
To dump a database into a custom-format archive file:
To dump a database into a directory-format archive:
To dump a database into a directory-format archive in parallel with 5 worker jobs:
To reload an archive file into a (freshly created) database named newdb
To reload an archive file into the same database it was dumped from, discarding the current contents of that database:
To dump a single table named mytab
To dump all tables whose names start with emp
in the detroit
schema, except for the table named employee_log
To dump all schemas whose names start with east
or west
and end in gsm
, excluding any schemas whose names contain the word test
The same, using regular expression notation to consolidate the switches:
To dump all database objects except for tables whose names begin with ts_
vacuumdb — 資源回收並重新分析 PostgreSQL 資料庫
vacuumdb [
...] [
...] [ --table | -t
[,...] )] ] ... [
...] [option
...] --all
| -a
vacuumdb 是一個用於清理 PostgreSQL 資料庫的工具程式。vacuumdb 也會產生 PostgreSQL 查詢最佳化程式所使用的內部統計資訊。
vacuumdb 只是一個將 SQL 指令 封裝起來的工具。透過此工具與透過其他方法存取伺服器之間,對資料庫進行清理和分析的工作並沒有任何區別。
vacuumdb 接受以下的命令列參數:
指定要清理或分析的資料庫名稱。如果未指定,也未使用 -a(或--all),則從環境變數 PGDATABASE 中取得資料庫名稱。如果都未設定,則使用此連線所使用的使用者名稱。
顯示 vacuumdb 產生並發送到伺服器的指令。
積極地「凍結」資料 tuple。
透過同時執行 njobs 指令平行執行 vacuum 或 analyze 指令。此選項可以縮短處理時間,但也會增加資料庫伺服器的負載。
vacuumdb 將打開與資料庫的 njobs 連線,因此請確保您的 max_connections 設定夠高以容納所有連線。
請注意,如果平行處理某些系統目錄,則此選項與 -f(FULL)選項一起使用可能會導致鎖死而失敗。
[ (column
[,...]) ]
[ (column
[,...]) ]
僅清理或分析資料表。欄位名稱只能與 --analyze 或 --analyze-only 選項一起指定。以多個選項開關可以對多個資料表進行清理。
如果指定欄位,則可能必須從 shell 中跳脫括號。 (請參閱下面的例子。)
輸出 vacuumdb 版本後結束。
僅計算最佳化程序所使用的統計資訊(不做清理),如同 --analyze-only。使用不同的設定執行幾個(目前是三個)分析階段,以更快地產可用的統計資訊。
此選項對於分析從還原備份或 pg_upgrade 新加入的資料庫非常有用。此選項將嘗試盡可能更快地建立一些統計資訊,使資料庫可用,然後在後續階段產生更完整的統計資訊。
顯示有關 vacuumdb 命令列參數的說明,然後結束。
vacuumdb 也在命令列中接受以下連線參數:
指定執行伺服器的主機名稱。如果以斜線開頭,則將其用作 Unix domain socket 的目錄。
指定伺服器正在監聽連線的 TCP 連接埠或本地 Unix domain socket 檔案的延伸名稱。
不要發出密碼提示。如果伺服器需要密碼身份驗證,而其他方式(例如 .pgpass 檔案)無法使用密碼,則連線嘗試將會失敗。此選項在沒有使用者輸入密碼的批次處理作業腳本中非常有用。
強制 vacuumdb 在連線到資料庫之前提示輸入密碼。
此選項並不是必要的,因為如果伺服器需要密碼驗證,vacuumdb 將自動提示輸入密碼。只是,vacuumdb 會浪費連線嘗試,才能發現伺服器需要密碼。在某些情況下,值得輸入 -W 以避免額外的連線嘗試。
指定要連線的資料庫名稱,以發現應該清理哪些其他資料庫。如果未指定,將使用 postgres 資料庫,如果 postgres 不存在的話,將使用 template1。
要清理資料庫 test:
為最佳化程序清理並分析名為 bigdb 的資料庫:
要清理 xyzzy 資料庫中的資料表 foo,並為最佳化程序分析資料表的單個欄位:
Each SQL command string passed to -c
is sent to the server as a single request. Because of this, the server executes it as a single transaction even if the string contains multiple SQL commands, unless there are explicit BEGIN
commands included in the string to divide it into multiple transactions. (See for more details about how the server handles multi-query strings.) Also, psql only prints the result of the last SQL command in the string. This is different from the behavior when the same string is read from a file or fed to psql's standard input, because then psql sends each SQL command separately.
If this parameter contains an =
sign or starts with a valid URI prefix (postgresql://
or postgres://
), it is treated as a conninfo
string. See for more information.
When the defaults aren't quite right, you can save yourself some typing by setting the environment variables PGDATABASE
and/or PGUSER
to appropriate values. (For additional environment variables, see .) It is also convenient to have a ~/.pgpass
file to avoid regularly having to type in passwords. See for more information.
This way you can also use LDAP for connection parameter lookup as described in . See for more information on all the available connection options.
If untrusted users have access to a database that has not adopted a , begin your session by removing publicly-writable schemas from search_path
. One can addoptions=-csearch_path=
to the connection string or issue SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false)
before other SQL commands. This consideration is not specific topsql; it applies to every interface for executing arbitrary SQL commands.
Whenever a command is executed, psql also polls for asynchronous notification events generated by and .
If an unquoted colon (:
) followed by a psql variable name appears within an argument, it is replaced by the variable's value, as described in . The forms :'
' and:"
" described there work as well. The :{?
} syntax allows testing whether a variable is defined. It is substituted by TRUE or FALSE. Escaping the colon with a backslash protects it from substitution.
Establishes a new connection to a PostgreSQL server. The connection parameters to use can be specified either using a positional syntax, or using conninfo
connection strings as detailed in .
執行前端(用戶端)資料複製。這是一個執行 SQL 命令的操作,但不是由伺服器讀取或寫入指定的檔案,psql 讀取或寫入檔案並在伺服器和本地檔案系統之間傳輸資料。這意味著檔案可存取性和權限是本地使用者的權限,而不是伺服器,並且不需要 SQL 超級使用者權限。
The syntax of this command is similar to that of the SQL command. All options other than the data source/destination are as specified for . Because of this, special parsing rules apply to the \copy
meta-command. Unlike most other meta-commands, the entire remainder of the line is always taken to be the arguments of \copy
, and neither variable interpolation nor backquote expansion are performed in the arguments.
\d[S+] [
For each relation (table, view, materialized view, index, sequence, or foreign table) or composite type matching the pattern
, show all columns, their types, the tablespace (if not the default) and any special attributes such as NOT NULL
or defaults. Associated indexes, constraints, rules, and triggers are also shown. For foreign tables, the associated foreign server is shown as well. (“Matching the pattern” is defined in below.)
The command form \d+
is identical, except that more information is displayed: any comments associated with the columns of the table are shown, as is the presence of OIDs in the table, the view definition if the relation is a view, a non-default setting.
\da[S] [
\dA[+] [
\db[+] [
\dc[S+] [
\dC[+] [
\dd[S] [
Descriptions for objects can be created with the SQL command.
\dD[S+] [
\ddp [
The command is used to set default access privileges. The meaning of the privilege display is explained under .
\dE[S+] [
\di[S+] [
\dm[S+] [
\ds[S+] [
\dt[S+] [
\dv[S+] [
\des[+] [
\det[+] [
\deu[+] [
\dew[+] [
\df[anptwS+] [
To look up functions taking arguments or returning values of a specific data type, use your pager's search capability to scroll through the \df
output.\dF[+] [
Lists text search configurations. If pattern
is specified, only configurations whose names match the pattern are shown. If the form \dF+
is used, a full description of each configuration is shown, including the underlying text search parser and the dictionary list for each parser token type.\dFd[+] [
\dFp[+] [
\dFt[+] [
\dg[S+] [
\dL[S+] [
\dn[S+] [
\do[S+] [
\dO[S+] [
\dp [
The and commands are used to set access privileges. The meaning of the privilege display is explained under .
\drds [
[ ] ]
The and commands are used to define per-role and per-database configuration settings.
\dRp[+] [
\dRs[+] [
\dT[S+] [
\du[S+] [
\dx[+] [
\dy[+] [
See under for how to configure and customize your editor.
See under for how to configure and customize your editor.
Sends the current query buffer to the server and stores the query's output into psql variables (see ). The query to be executed must return exactly one row. Each column of the row is stored into a separate variable, named the same as the column. For example:
or \list[+] [
Illustrations of how these different formats look can be seen in the section.
Valid variable names can contain letters, digits, and underscores. See the section below for details. Variable names are case-sensitive.
Certain variables are special, in that they control psql's behavior or are automatically set to reflect connection state. These variables are documented in , below.
This command is unrelated to the SQL command .
Most variables that control psql's behavior cannot be unset; instead, an \unset
command is interpreted as setting them to their default values. See , below.
\z [
results in sending the three SQL commands to the server in a single request, when the non-backslashed semicolon is reached. The server executes such a request as a single transaction, unless there are explicit BEGIN
commands included in the string to divide it into multiple transactions. (See for more details about how the server handles multi-query strings.) psql prints only the last query result it receives for each request; in this example, although all three SELECT
s are indeed executed, psql only prints the 3
Advanced users can use regular-expression notations such as character classes, for example [0-9]
to match any digit. All regular expression special characters work as specified in , except for .
which is taken as a separator as mentioned above, *
which is translated to the regular-expression notation .*
, ?
which is translated to .
, and $
which is matched literally. You can emulate these pattern characters at need by writing ?
for .
, (
+|) for R
*, or (
|) for R
?. $
is not needed as a regular-expression character since the pattern must match the whole name, unlike the usual interpretation of regular expressions (in other words, $
is automatically appended to your pattern). Write *
at the beginning and/or end if you don't wish the pattern to be anchored. Note that within double quotes, all regular expression special characters lose their special meanings and are matched literally. Also, the regular expression special characters are matched literally in operator name patterns (i.e., the argument of \do
This works in both regular SQL commands and meta-commands; there is more detail in , below.
These specify what the prompts psql issues should look like. See below.
The error code (see ) associated with the last SQL query's failure, or 00000
if it succeeded.
The value of the psql variable name
. See the section for details.`%```_
Default connection parameters (see ).
This utility, like most other PostgreSQL utilities, also uses the environment variables supported by libpq (see ).
pg_dump will open njobs
+ 1 connections to the database, so make sure your setting is high enough to accommodate all connections.
Dump only schemas matching schema
; this selects both the schema itself, and all its contained objects. When this option is not specified, all non-system schemas in the target database will be dumped. Multiple schemas can be selected by writing multiple -n
switches. Also, the schema
parameter is interpreted as a pattern according to the same rules used by psql's \d
commands (see ), so multiple schemas can also be selected by writing wildcard characters in the pattern. When using wildcards, be careful to quote the pattern if needed to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcards; see .
Dump only tables with names matching table
. For this purpose, “table” includes views, materialized views, sequences, and foreign tables. Multiple tables can be selected by writing multiple -t
switches. Also, the table
parameter is interpreted as a pattern according to the same rules used by psql's \d
commands (see ), so multiple tables can also be selected by writing wildcard characters in the pattern. When using wildcards, be careful to quote the pattern if needed to prevent the shell from expanding the wildcards; see .
This option is relevant only when dumping the contents of a table which has row security. By default, pg_dump will set to off, to ensure that all data is dumped from the table. If the user does not have sufficient privileges to bypass row security, then an error is thrown. This parameter instructs pg_dump to set to on instead, allowing the user to dump the parts of the contents of the table that they have access to.
Use a serializable
transaction for the dump, to ensure that the snapshot used is consistent with later database states; but do this by waiting for a point in the transaction stream at which no anomalies can be present, so that there isn't a risk of the dump failing or causing other transactions to roll back with a serialization_failure
. See for more information about transaction isolation and concurrency control.
Use the specified synchronized snapshot when making a dump of the database (see for more details).
This option is useful when needing to synchronize the dump with a logical replication slot (see ) or with a concurrent session.
If this parameter contains an =
sign or starts with a valid URI prefix (postgresql://
or postgres://
), it is treated as a conninfo
string. See for more information.-
This utility, like most other PostgreSQL utilities, also uses the environment variables supported by libpq (see ).
pg_dump internally executes SELECT
statements. If you have problems running pg_dump, make sure you are able to select information from the database using, for example, . Also, any default connection settings and environment variables used by the libpq front-end library will apply.
The dump file produced by pg_dump does not contain the statistics used by the optimizer to make query planning decisions. Therefore, it is wise to run ANALYZE
after restoring from a dump file to ensure optimal performance; see and for more information.
To specify an upper-case or mixed-case name in -t
and related switches, you need to double-quote the name; else it will be folded to lower case (see ). But double quotes are special to the shell, so in turn they must be quoted. Thus, to dump a single table with a mixed-case name, you need something like
, ,
與大多數其他 PostgreSQL 工具程式一樣,此工具也使用 libpq 所支援的環境變數(請參閱)。
如果遇到困難,請參閱 和 以了解潛在問題和錯誤訊息。資料庫伺服器必須在目標主機上執行。此外,將套用 libpq 前端函式庫使用的所有預設連線設定和環境變數。
vacuumdb 可能需要多次連線到 PostgreSQL 伺服器,而每次都會要求輸入密碼。在這種情況下,有一個 ~/.pgpass 檔案的話會很方便。有關更多訊息,請參閱。