9.29. 事件觸發函式

PostgreSQL provides these helper functions to retrieve information from event triggers.

For more information about event triggers, see Chapter 39.

9.29.1. Capturing Changes at Command End

pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands () → setof record

pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands returns a list of DDL commands executed by each user action, when invoked in a function attached to a ddl_command_end event trigger. If called in any other context, an error is raised. pg_event_trigger_ddl_commands returns one row for each base command executed; some commands that are a single SQL sentence may return more than one row. This function returns the following columns:

9.29.2. Processing Objects Dropped by a DDL Command

pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects () → setof record

pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects returns a list of all objects dropped by the command in whose sql_drop event it is called. If called in any other context, an error is raised. This function returns the following columns:

The pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects function can be used in an event trigger like this:

CREATE FUNCTION test_event_trigger_for_drops()
        RETURNS event_trigger LANGUAGE plpgsql AS $$
    obj record;
    FOR obj IN SELECT * FROM pg_event_trigger_dropped_objects()
        RAISE NOTICE '% dropped object: % %.% %',
        END LOOP;
CREATE EVENT TRIGGER test_event_trigger_for_drops
   ON sql_drop
   EXECUTE FUNCTION test_event_trigger_for_drops();

9.29.3. Handling a Table Rewrite Event

The functions shown in Table 9.98 provide information about a table for which a table_rewrite event has just been called. If called in any other context, an error is raised.

Table 9.98. Table Rewrite Information Functions

These functions can be used in an event trigger like this:

CREATE FUNCTION test_event_trigger_table_rewrite_oid()
 RETURNS event_trigger
 LANGUAGE plpgsql AS
  RAISE NOTICE 'rewriting table % for reason %',

CREATE EVENT TRIGGER test_table_rewrite_oid
                  ON table_rewrite
   EXECUTE FUNCTION test_event_trigger_table_rewrite_oid();

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