27.5. Dynamic Tracing

PostgreSQL provides facilities to support dynamic tracing of the database server. This allows an external utility to be called at specific points in the code and thereby trace execution.

A number of probes or trace points are already inserted into the source code. These probes are intended to be used by database developers and administrators. By default the probes are not compiled into PostgreSQL; the user needs to explicitly tell the configure script to make the probes available.

Currently, the DTrace utility is supported, which, at the time of this writing, is available on Solaris, macOS, FreeBSD, NetBSD, and Oracle Linux. The SystemTap project for Linux provides a DTrace equivalent and can also be used. Supporting other dynamic tracing utilities is theoretically possible by changing the definitions for the macros in src/include/utils/probes.h.

27.5.1. Compiling for Dynamic Tracing

By default, probes are not available, so you will need to explicitly tell the configure script to make the probes available in PostgreSQL. To include DTrace support specify --enable-dtrace to configure. See Section 16.4 for further information.

27.5.2. Built-in Probes

A number of standard probes are provided in the source code, as shown in Table 27.28; Table 27.29 shows the types used in the probes. More probes can certainly be added to enhance PostgreSQL's observability.

Table 27.28. Built-in DTrace Probes

Table 27.29. Defined Types Used in Probe Parameters

27.5.3. Using Probes

The example below shows a DTrace script for analyzing transaction counts in the system, as an alternative to snapshotting pg_stat_database before and after a performance test:

#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -qs

      @start["Start"] = count();
      self->ts  = timestamp;

      @abort["Abort"] = count();

      @commit["Commit"] = count();
      @time["Total time (ns)"] = sum(timestamp - self->ts);

When executed, the example D script gives output such as:

# ./txn_count.d `pgrep -n postgres` or ./txn_count.d <PID>

Start                                          71
Commit                                         70
Total time (ns)                        2312105013


SystemTap uses a different notation for trace scripts than DTrace does, even though the underlying trace points are compatible. One point worth noting is that at this writing, SystemTap scripts must reference probe names using double underscores in place of hyphens. This is expected to be fixed in future SystemTap releases.

You should remember that DTrace scripts need to be carefully written and debugged, otherwise the trace information collected might be meaningless. In most cases where problems are found it is the instrumentation that is at fault, not the underlying system. When discussing information found using dynamic tracing, be sure to enclose the script used to allow that too to be checked and discussed.

27.5.4. Defining New Probes

New probes can be defined within the code wherever the developer desires, though this will require a recompilation. Below are the steps for inserting new probes:

  1. Decide on probe names and data to be made available through the probes

  2. Add the probe definitions to src/backend/utils/probes.d

  3. Include pg_trace.h if it is not already present in the module(s) containing the probe points, and insert TRACE_POSTGRESQL probe macros at the desired locations in the source code

  4. Recompile and verify that the new probes are available

Example: Here is an example of how you would add a probe to trace all new transactions by transaction ID.

  1. Decide that the probe will be named transaction-start and requires a parameter of type LocalTransactionId

  2. Add the probe definition to src/backend/utils/probes.d:

    probe transaction__start(LocalTransactionId);

    Note the use of the double underline in the probe name. In a DTrace script using the probe, the double underline needs to be replaced with a hyphen, so transaction-start is the name to document for users.

  3. At compile time, transaction__start is converted to a macro called TRACE_POSTGRESQL_TRANSACTION_START (notice the underscores are single here), which is available by including pg_trace.h. Add the macro call to the appropriate location in the source code. In this case, it looks like the following:

  4. After recompiling and running the new binary, check that your newly added probe is available by executing the following DTrace command. You should see similar output:

    # dtrace -ln transaction-start
       ID    PROVIDER          MODULE           FUNCTION NAME
    18705 postgresql49878     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
    18755 postgresql49877     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
    18805 postgresql49876     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
    18855 postgresql49875     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start
    18986 postgresql49873     postgres     StartTransactionCommand transaction-start

There are a few things to be careful about when adding trace macros to the C code:

  • You should take care that the data types specified for a probe's parameters match the data types of the variables used in the macro. Otherwise, you will get compilation errors.

  • On most platforms, if PostgreSQL is built with --enable-dtrace, the arguments to a trace macro will be evaluated whenever control passes through the macro, even if no tracing is being done. This is usually not worth worrying about if you are just reporting the values of a few local variables. But beware of putting expensive function calls into the arguments. If you need to do that, consider protecting the macro with a check to see if the trace is actually enabled:


    Each trace macro has a corresponding ENABLED macro.

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