F.43. tablefunc

tablefunc 模組內含了回傳資料表(即多筆資料列)的各種函數。這些函數本身很有用,也可以用作設計回傳多筆資料列的 C 函數的範例。

F.43.1. Functions Provided

Table F.30 列出了 tablefunc 模組所提供的函數。

Table F.30. tablefunc Functions


normal_rand(int numvals, float8 mean, float8 stddev)

setof float8

Produces a set of normally distributed random values

crosstab(text sql)

setof record

Produces a “pivot table” containing row names plus N value columns, where N is determined by the row type specified in the calling query

crosstabN(text sql)

setof table_crosstab_N

Produces a “pivot table” containing row names plus N value columns. crosstab2, crosstab3, and crosstab4 are predefined, but you can create additional crosstabN functions as described below

crosstab(text source_sql, text category_sql)

setof record

Produces a “pivot table” with the value columns specified by a second query

crosstab(text sql, int N)

setof record

Obsolete version of crosstab(text). The parameter N is now ignored, since the number of value columns is always determined by the calling query

connectby(text relname, text keyid_fld, text parent_keyid_fld [, text orderby_fld ], text start_with, int max_depth [, text branch_delim ])

setof record

Produces a representation of a hierarchical tree structure

F.43.1.1. Normal_rand

normal_rand(int numvals, float8 mean, float8 stddev) returns setof float8

normal_rand produces a set of normally distributed random values (Gaussian distribution).

numvals is the number of values to be returned from the function. mean is the mean of the normal distribution of values and stddev is the standard deviation of the normal distribution of values.

For example, this call requests 1000 values with a mean of 5 and a standard deviation of 3:

test=# SELECT * FROM normal_rand(1000, 5, 3);
(1000 rows)

F.43.1.2. Crosstab(Text)

crosstab(text sql)
crosstab(text sql, int N)

The crosstab function is used to produce “pivot” displays, wherein data is listed across the page rather than down. For example, we might have data like

row1    val11
row1    val12
row1    val13
row2    val21
row2    val22
row2    val23

which we wish to display like

row1    val11   val12   val13   ...
row2    val21   val22   val23   ...

The crosstab function takes a text parameter that is a SQL query producing raw data formatted in the first way, and produces a table formatted in the second way.

The sql parameter is a SQL statement that produces the source set of data. This statement must return one row_name column, one category column, and one value column. N is an obsolete parameter, ignored if supplied (formerly this had to match the number of output value columns, but now that is determined by the calling query).

For example, the provided query might produce a set something like:

 row_name    cat    value
  row1      cat1    val1
  row1      cat2    val2
  row1      cat3    val3
  row1      cat4    val4
  row2      cat1    val5
  row2      cat2    val6
  row2      cat3    val7
  row2      cat4    val8

The crosstab function is declared to return setof record, so the actual names and types of the output columns must be defined in the FROM clause of the calling SELECT statement, for example:

SELECT * FROM crosstab('...') AS ct(row_name text, category_1 text, category_2 text);

This example produces a set something like:

           <== value  columns  ==>
 row_name   category_1   category_2
  row1        val1         val2
  row2        val5         val6

The FROM clause must define the output as one row_name column (of the same data type as the first result column of the SQL query) followed by N value columns (all of the same data type as the third result column of the SQL query). You can set up as many output value columns as you wish. The names of the output columns are up to you.

The crosstab function produces one output row for each consecutive group of input rows with the same row_name value. It fills the output value columns, left to right, with the value fields from these rows. If there are fewer rows in a group than there are output value columns, the extra output columns are filled with nulls; if there are more rows, the extra input rows are skipped.

In practice the SQL query should always specify ORDER BY 1,2 to ensure that the input rows are properly ordered, that is, values with the same row_name are brought together and correctly ordered within the row. Notice that crosstab itself does not pay any attention to the second column of the query result; it's just there to be ordered by, to control the order in which the third-column values appear across the page.

Here is a complete example:

CREATE TABLE ct(id SERIAL, rowid TEXT, attribute TEXT, value TEXT);
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test1','att1','val1');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test1','att2','val2');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test1','att3','val3');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test1','att4','val4');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test2','att1','val5');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test2','att2','val6');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test2','att3','val7');
INSERT INTO ct(rowid, attribute, value) VALUES('test2','att4','val8');

FROM crosstab(
  'select rowid, attribute, value
   from ct
   where attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3''
   order by 1,2')
AS ct(row_name text, category_1 text, category_2 text, category_3 text);

 row_name | category_1 | category_2 | category_3
 test1    | val2       | val3       |
 test2    | val6       | val7       |
(2 rows)

You can avoid always having to write out a FROM clause to define the output columns, by setting up a custom crosstab function that has the desired output row type wired into its definition. This is described in the next section. Another possibility is to embed the required FROM clause in a view definition.

另請參閱 psql 中的 \crosstabview 指令,該指令提供的功能類似於 crosstab()。

F.43.1.3. CrosstabN(Text)

crosstabN(text sql)

The crosstabN functions are examples of how to set up custom wrappers for the general crosstab function, so that you need not write out column names and types in the calling SELECT query. The tablefunc module includes crosstab2, crosstab3, and crosstab4, whose output row types are defined as

CREATE TYPE tablefunc_crosstab_N AS (
    row_name TEXT,
    category_1 TEXT,
    category_2 TEXT,
    category_N TEXT

Thus, these functions can be used directly when the input query produces row_name and value columns of type text, and you want 2, 3, or 4 output values columns. In all other ways they behave exactly as described above for the general crosstab function.

For instance, the example given in the previous section would also work as

FROM crosstab3(
  'select rowid, attribute, value
   from ct
   where attribute = ''att2'' or attribute = ''att3''
   order by 1,2');

These functions are provided mostly for illustration purposes. You can create your own return types and functions based on the underlying crosstab() function. There are two ways to do it:

  • Create a composite type describing the desired output columns, similar to the examples in contrib/tablefunc/tablefunc--1.0.sql. Then define a unique function name accepting one text parameter and returning setof your_type_name, but linking to the same underlying crosstab C function. For example, if your source data produces row names that are text, and values that are float8, and you want 5 value columns:

    CREATE TYPE my_crosstab_float8_5_cols AS (
        my_row_name text,
        my_category_1 float8,
        my_category_2 float8,
        my_category_3 float8,
        my_category_4 float8,
        my_category_5 float8
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab_float8_5_cols(text)
        RETURNS setof my_crosstab_float8_5_cols
        AS '$libdir/tablefunc','crosstab' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT;
  • Use OUT parameters to define the return type implicitly. The same example could also be done this way:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION crosstab_float8_5_cols(
        IN text,
        OUT my_row_name text,
        OUT my_category_1 float8,
        OUT my_category_2 float8,
        OUT my_category_3 float8,
        OUT my_category_4 float8,
        OUT my_category_5 float8)
      RETURNS setof record
      AS '$libdir/tablefunc','crosstab' LANGUAGE C STABLE STRICT;

F.43.1.4. Crosstab(Text,