D.1. Supported Features
Identifier | Core? | Description | Comment |
B012 |
| Embedded C |
B021 |
| Direct SQL |
B128 |
| Routine language SQL |
E011 | Core | Numeric data types |
E011-01 | Core | INTEGER and SMALLINT data types |
E011-02 | Core | REAL, DOUBLE PRECISION, and FLOAT data types |
E011-03 | Core | DECIMAL and NUMERIC data types |
E011-04 | Core | Arithmetic operators |
E011-05 | Core | Numeric comparison |
E011-06 | Core | Implicit casting among the numeric data types |
E021 | Core | Character data types |
E021-01 | Core | CHARACTER data type |
E021-02 | Core | CHARACTER VARYING data type |
E021-03 | Core | Character literals |
E021-04 | Core | CHARACTER_LENGTH function | trims trailing spaces from CHARACTER values before counting |
E021-05 | Core | OCTET_LENGTH function |
E021-06 | Core | SUBSTRING function |
E021-07 | Core | Character concatenation |
E021-08 | Core | UPPER and LOWER functions |
E021-09 | Core | TRIM function |
E021-10 | Core | Implicit casting among the character string types |
E021-11 | Core | POSITION function |
E021-12 | Core | Character comparison |
E031 | Core | Identifiers |
E031-01 | Core | Delimited identifiers |
E031-02 | Core | Lower case identifiers |
E031-03 | Core | Trailing underscore |
E051 | Core | Basic query specification |
E051-01 | Core | SELECT DISTINCT |
E051-02 | Core | GROUP BY clause |
E051-04 | Core | GROUP BY can contain columns not in <select list> |
E051-05 | Core | Select list items can be renamed |
E051-06 | Core | HAVING clause |
E051-07 | Core | Qualified * in select list |
E051-08 | Core | Correlation names in the FROM clause |
E051-09 | Core | Rename columns in the FROM clause |
E061 | Core | Basic predicates and search conditions |
E061-01 | Core | Comparison predicate |
E061-02 | Core | BETWEEN predicate |
E061-03 | Core | IN predicate with list of values |
E061-04 | Core | LIKE predicate |
E061-05 | Core | LIKE predicate ESCAPE clause |
E061-06 | Core | NULL predicate |
E061-07 | Core | Quantified comparison predicate |
E061-08 | Core | EXISTS predicate |
E061-09 | Core | Subqueries in comparison predicate |
E061-11 | Core | Subqueries in IN predicate |
E061-12 | Core | Subqueries in quantified comparison predicate |
E061-13 | Core | Correlated subqueries |
E061-14 | Core | Search condition |
E071 | Core | Basic query expressions |
E071-01 | Core | UNION DISTINCT table operator |
E071-02 | Core | UNION ALL table operator |
E071-03 | Core | EXCEPT DISTINCT table operator |
E071-05 | Core | Columns combined via table operators need not have exactly the same data type |
E071-06 | Core | Table operators in subqueries |
E081 | Core | Basic Privileges |
E081-01 | Core | SELECT privilege |
E081-02 | Core | DELETE privilege |
E081-03 | Core | INSERT privilege at the table level |
E081-04 | Core | UPDATE privilege at the table level |
E081-05 | Core | UPDATE privilege at the column level |
E081-06 | Core | REFERENCES privilege at the table level |
E081-07 | Core | REFERENCES privilege at the column level |
E081-08 | Core | WITH GRANT OPTION |
E081-09 | Core | USAGE privilege |
E081-10 | Core | EXECUTE privilege |
E091 | Core | Set functions |
E091-01 | Core | AVG |
E091-02 | Core | COUNT |
E091-03 | Core | MAX |
E091-04 | Core | MIN |
E091-05 | Core | SUM |
E091-06 | Core | ALL quantifier |
E091-07 | Core | DISTINCT quantifier |
E101 | Core | Basic data manipulation |
E101-01 | Core | INSERT statement |
E101-03 | Core | Searched UPDATE statement |
E101-04 | Core | Searched DELETE statement |
E111 | Core | Single row SELECT statement |
E121 | Core | Basic cursor support |
E121-01 | Core | DECLARE CURSOR |
E121-02 | Core | ORDER BY columns need not be in select list |
E121-03 | Core | Value expressions in ORDER BY clause |
E121-04 | Core | OPEN statement |
E121-06 | Core | Positioned UPDATE statement |
E121-07 | Core | Positioned DELETE statement |
E121-08 | Core | CLOSE statement |
E121-10 | Core | FETCH statement implicit NEXT |
E121-17 | Core | WITH HOLD cursors |
E131 | Core | Null value support (nulls in lieu of values) |
E141 | Core | Basic integrity constraints |
E141-01 | Core | NOT NULL constraints |
E141-02 | Core | UNIQUE constraints of NOT NULL columns |
E141-03 | Core | PRIMARY KEY constraints |
E141-04 | Core | Basic FOREIGN KEY constraint with the NO ACTION default for both referential delete action and referential update action |
E141-06 | Core | CHECK constraints |
E141-07 | Core | Column defaults |
E141-08 | Core | NOT NULL inferred on PRIMARY KEY |
E141-10 | Core | Names in a foreign key can be specified in any order |
E151 | Core | Transaction support |
E151-01 | Core | COMMIT statement |
E151-02 | Core | ROLLBACK statement |
E152 | Core | Basic SET TRANSACTION statement |
E152-02 | Core | SET TRANSACTION statement: READ ONLY and READ WRITE clauses |
E153 | Core | Updatable queries with subqueries |
E161 | Core | SQL comments using leading double minus |
E171 | Core | SQLSTATE support |
E182 | Core | Host language binding |
F021 | Core | Basic information schema |
F021-01 | Core | COLUMNS view |
F021-02 | Core | TABLES view |
F021-03 | Core | VIEWS view |
F021-04 | Core | TABLE_CONSTRAINTS view |
F021-06 | Core | CHECK_CONSTRAINTS view |
F031 | Core | Basic schema manipulation |
F031-01 | Core | CREATE TABLE statement to create persistent base tables |
F031-02 | Core | CREATE VIEW statement |
F031-03 | Core | GRANT statement |
F031-04 | Core | ALTER TABLE statement: ADD COLUMN clause |
F031-13 | Core | DROP TABLE statement: RESTRICT clause |
F031-16 | Core | DROP VIEW statement: RESTRICT clause |
F031-19 | Core | REVOKE statement: RESTRICT clause |
F032 |
| CASCADE drop behavior |
F033 |
| ALTER TABLE statement: DROP COLUMN clause |
F034 |
| Extended REVOKE statement |
F034-01 |
| REVOKE statement performed by other than the owner of a schema object |
F034-02 |
| REVOKE statement: GRANT OPTION FOR clause |
F034-03 |
| REVOKE statement to revoke a privilege that the grantee has WITH GRANT OPTION |
F041 | Core | Basic joined table |
F041-01 | Core | Inner join (but not necessarily the INNER keyword) |
F041-02 | Core | INNER keyword |
F041-03 | Core | LEFT OUTER JOIN |
F041-04 | Core | RIGHT OUTER JOIN |
F041-05 | Core | Outer joins can be nested |
F041-07 | Core | The inner table in a left or right outer join can also be used in an inner join |
F041-08 | Core | All comparison operators are supported (rather than just =) |
F051 | Core | Basic date and time |
F051-01 | Core | DATE data type (including support of DATE literal) |
F051-02 | Core | TIME data type (including support of TIME literal) with fractional seconds precision of at least 0 |
F051-03 | Core | TIMESTAMP data type (including support of TIMESTAMP literal) with fractional seconds precision of at least 0 and 6 |
F051-04 | Core | Comparison predicate on DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types |
F051-05 | Core | Explicit CAST between datetime types and character string types |
F051-06 | Core | CURRENT_DATE |
F051-07 | Core | LOCALTIME |
F051-08 | Core | LOCALTIMESTAMP |
F052 |
| Intervals and datetime arithmetic |
F053 |
| OVERLAPS predicate |
F081 | Core | UNION and EXCEPT in views |
F111 |
| Isolation levels other than SERIALIZABLE |
F111-01 |
| READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level |
F111-02 |
| READ COMMITTED isolation level |
F111-03 |
| REPEATABLE READ isolation level |
F131 | Core | Grouped operations |
F131-01 | Core | WHERE, GROUP BY, and HAVING clauses supported in queries with grouped views |
F131-02 | Core | Multiple tables supported in queries with grouped views |
F131-03 | Core | Set functions supported in queries with grouped views |
F131-04 | Core | Subqueries with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views |
F131-05 | Core | Single row SELECT with GROUP BY and HAVING clauses and grouped views |
F171 |
| Multiple schemas per user |
F181 | Core | Multiple module support |
F191 |
| Referential delete actions |
F200 |
| TRUNCATE TABLE statement |
F201 | Core | CAST function |
F202 |
| TRUNCATE TABLE: identity column restart option |
F221 | Core | Explicit defaults |
F222 |
| INSERT statement: DEFAULT VALUES clause |
F231 |
| Privilege tables |
F231-01 |
F231-02 |
F231-03 |
F251 |
| Domain support |
F261 | Core | CASE expression |
F261-01 | Core | Simple CASE |
F261-02 | Core | Searched CASE |
F261-03 | Core | NULLIF |
F261-04 | Core | COALESCE |
F262 |
| Extended CASE expression |
F271 |
| Compound character literals |
F281 |
| LIKE enhancements |
F292 |
| UNIQUE null treatment | SQL:202x draft |
F302 |
| INTERSECT table operator |
F302-01 |
| INTERSECT DISTINCT table operator |
F302-02 |
| INTERSECT ALL table operator |
F304 |
| EXCEPT ALL table operator |
F311 | Core | Schema definition statement |
F311-01 | Core | CREATE SCHEMA |
F311-02 | Core | CREATE TABLE for persistent base tables |
F311-03 | Core | CREATE VIEW |
F311-05 | Core | GRANT statement |
F312 |
| MERGE statement |
F313 |
| Enhanced MERGE statement |
F314 |
| MERGE statement with DELETE branch |
F321 |
| User authorization |
F341 |
| Usage tables |
F361 |
| Subprogram support |
F381 |
| Extended schema manipulation |
F381-01 |
| ALTER TABLE statement: ALTER COLUMN clause |
F381-02 |
| ALTER TABLE statement: ADD CONSTRAINT clause |
F381-03 |
| ALTER TABLE statement: DROP CONSTRAINT clause |
F382 |
| Alter column data type |
F383 |
| Set column not null clause |
F384 |
| Drop identity property clause |
F385 |
| Drop column generation expression clause |
F386 |
| Set identity column generation clause |
F391 |
| Long identifiers |
F392 |
| Unicode escapes in identifiers |
F393 |
| Unicode escapes in literals |
F394 |
| Optional normal form specification |
F401 |
| Extended joined table |
F401-01 |
F401-02 |
F401-04 |
F402 |
| Named column joins for LOBs, arrays, and multisets |
F404 |
| Range variable for common column names |
F411 |
| Time zone specification | differences regarding literal interpretation |
F421 |
| National character |
F431 |
| Read-only scrollable cursors |
F431-01 |
| FETCH with explicit NEXT |
F431-02 |
F431-03 |
F431-04 |
F431-05 |
F431-06 |
F441 |
| Extended set function support |
F442 |
| Mixed column references in set functions |
F471 | Core | Scalar subquery values |
F481 | Core | Expanded NULL predicate |
F491 |
| Constraint management |
F501 | Core | Features and conformance views |
F501-01 | Core | SQL_FEATURES view |
F501-02 | Core | SQL_SIZING view |
F502 |
| Enhanced documentation tables |
F531 |
| Temporary tables |
F555 |
| Enhanced seconds precision |
F561 |
| Full value expressions |
F571 |
| Truth value tests |
F591 |
| Derived tables |
F611 |
| Indicator data types |
F641 |
| Row and table constructors |
F651 |
| Catalog name qualifiers |
F661 |
| Simple tables |
F672 |
| Retrospective check constraints |
F690 |
| Collation support | but no character set support |
F692 |
| Extended collation support |
F701 |
| Referential update actions |
F711 |
| ALTER domain |
F731 |
| INSERT column privileges |
F751 |
| View CHECK enhancements |
F761 |
| Session management |
F762 |
F763 |
F771 |
| Connection management |
F781 |
| Self-referencing operations |
F791 |
| Insensitive cursors |
F801 |
| Full set function |
F850 |
| Top-level <order by clause> in <query expression> |
F851 |
| <order by clause> in subqueries |
F852 |
| Top-level <order by clause> in views |
F855 |
| Nested <order by clause> in <query expression> |
F856 |
| Nested <fetch first clause> in <query expression> |
F857 |
| Top-level <fetch first clause> in <query expression> |
F858 |
| <fetch first clause> in subqueries |
F859 |
| Top-level <fetch first clause> in views |
F860 |
| <fetch first row count> in <fetch first clause> |
F861 |
| Top-level <result offset clause> in <query expression> |
F862 |
| <result offset clause> in subqueries |
F863 |
| Nested <result offset clause> in <query expression> |
F864 |
| Top-level <result offset clause> in views |
F865 |
| <offset row count> in <result offset clause> |
F867 |
| FETCH FIRST clause: WITH TIES option |
S071 |
| SQL paths in function and type name resolution |
S091-01 |
| Arrays of built-in data types |
S091-03 |
| Array expressions |
S092 |
| Arrays of user-defined types |
S095 |
| Array constructors by query |
S096 |
| Optional array bounds |
S098 |
S111 |
| ONLY in query expressions |
S201 |
| SQL-invoked routines on arrays |
S201-01 |
| Array parameters |
S201-02 |
| Array as result type of functions |
S211 |
| User-defined cast functions |
S301 |
| Enhanced UNNEST |
S404 |
T031 |
| BOOLEAN data type |
T071 |
| BIGINT data type |
T121 |
| WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in query expression |
T122 |
| WITH (excluding RECURSIVE) in subquery |
T131 |
| Recursive query |
T132 |
| Recursive query in subquery |
T133 |
| Enhanced cycle mark values | SQL:202x draft |
T141 |
| SIMILAR predicate |
T151 |
| DISTINCT predicate |
T152 |
| DISTINCT predicate with negation |
T171 |
| LIKE clause in table definition |
T172 |
| AS subquery clause in table definition |
T173 |
| Extended LIKE clause in table definition |
T174 |
| Identity columns |
T177 |
| Sequence generator support: simple restart option |
T178 |
| Identity columns: simple restart option |
T191 |
| Referential action RESTRICT |
T201 |
| Comparable data types for referential constraints |
T211-01 |
| Triggers activated on UPDATE, INSERT, or DELETE of one base table |
T211-02 |
| BEFORE triggers |
T211-03 |
| AFTER triggers |
T211-04 |
| FOR EACH ROW triggers |
T211-05 |
| Ability to specify a search condition that must be true before the trigger is invoked |
T211-07 |
| TRIGGER privilege |
T212 |
| Enhanced trigger capability |
T213 |
| INSTEAD OF triggers |
T241 |
T261 |
| Chained transactions |
T271 |
| Savepoints |
T281 |
| SELECT privilege with column granularity |
T285 |
| Enhanced derived column names |
T312 |
| OVERLAY function |
T321-01 | Core | User-defined functions with no overloading |
T321-02 | Core | User-defined stored procedures with no overloading |
T321-03 | Core | Function invocation |
T321-04 | Core | CALL statement |
T321-05 | Core | RETURN statement |
T321-06 |